A bed for us

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,,uh honestly idk"
,,so you just wanna be like idk like a friendship plus kind of thing"
Rep went quiet
Lover was so disappointed not only in rep but also in herself cause why would she even believe to ever be good enough for her
They didn't even fit
They were complete opposites
,,Rep pls tell me, my feelings are so confused right now and I can't really take it anymore! I like you ok? And i don't think I can stand you playing with me any longer"
Her voice broke towards the end
,,oh lov"
Rep tucked a strand of hair which was hanging over the girls face behind lovers ear
,,I really don't know...I do know that I really really like you and i don't wanna lose you so please let me figure it out. We can figure it out together"
,,oh ok...yeah I guess we can"
Stay stared at each other for a second before connecting their lips again
,,please don't leave me"
Lover breathed out during a kiss
,,I won't"
Rep was now pushing lover against the seat heating the kiss

*Time jump
,,can I stay over? We don't have to do anything just I really wanna be with you right now"
,,yeah ofc"
Lover was smiling at the tall girl putting her hand over her chest
They went inside lovers house
,,I have a toothbrush in the bathroom and towels are under the sink"
,,and I need one too I am like so sweaty and it's all your fault"
,,ohhh is it now? I mean we could just not make out any more"
Rep was making herself look like reallyyy tall in front  of lover
,,oh don't be like this pls" she looked up at her
,,ok then i would behave if I was you"
,,I will reallyyy"
,,ohh really?"
Rep grabbed lovers side and started to tickle her
She arched her back over the kitchen island
,, looks like you are not behaving right nooww huh?"
Lover was laughing hysterically laying over the kitchen island while Rep was bending over her and tickled her to death
she stopped
,,you're so cute"
Lover was smiling big while still taking deep breaths
She pulled rep to her and put a small kiss on the girls lips
,,so are you"
,,oh I know darling" she winked
,,god just shut up already"

Lover took reps hand pulling her to her feet again
,,what about we get ready for bed"
,,yeah you can go take a shower in the meantime"
,,ok see ya"
Rep walked up the stairs to the bathroom
Lover pulled out the sheets to make a bed out of the couch
After that she refreshed the old sheets in her bedroom so reputation would feel comfortable
,,what r u doing?"
Rep walked out of the bathroom covered in only a towel
,,making the bed ready for you"
,,for us right?"
,,oh I was thinking on sleeping on the couch"
,,oh you won't"
,,but why it's really no big deal"
,,I've already had my hands all over and in your body so why wouldn't we even sleep in the same bed"
,,oh why there's nobody there or are you ashamed? You made really pretty soun-"
,,shut up nooww"
Rep became bright red while rep was just laughing
,,oh you're cute so now take a shower and get in the bed"
She did what the girl told her too and took a quick shower to get all the sweat of her body
As she finished her night routine rep was already laying in bed scrolling through her phone
,,oh there you are"
,,mhm the shower felt really good"
,,I believe that you look insanely relaxed. Now come here"
She opened her arms for the girl to snuggle in
Lover was laying between reps arms
At first she refused to be too close to not seem like she was too much but as soon as they were falling asleep she started to feel her body drifting closer and closer

Oh why can't things always be this nice...

I am currently driving home from my school trip and I am again under the blanket😽 (my classmates are singing really weird songs...)
this thing is really helping for me to update you guys soo thank the blanket!
Hope you liked it
It was a real fluff and kind of smutty chapter I mean the tensiooon hellooo??🤭🤭🤭
Love you guys!!💓💓

Call me your loverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ