The Hotel (prt.1)

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,,go grab your suitcase the Uber is already here!!"
Lover ran down the stairs seeing rep just smirking at her
,,god you're such a child"
She tried to look serious but the corner of her mouth was slowly turning upwards
,,I am soo not!!"
Lover tried to hide her face
Rep grabbed it and turned her around pressing the girls back against the door
They connected lips in a passionate way leaving no air to breath
As they broke apart lover smiled
,,I love you"
,,oh that sounded like there is a but..."
,,yeah but we should really head outside cause the Uber is waiting for us"
,,oh right I forgot sorry"
She grabbed the taller women's hand and pulled her and the suitcase outside the apartment door
This would be a good trip

We finally arrived in New York
I used to live here but kind of made my way a bit farther in the calm side of the country
I still was a New York girl but it just felt different.
Lover was staring out the window at the town like she couldn't be looking at me or something (jk)
I really fell in love with her over the last month but sometimes got the impression that I love her more than she loves me
And that fucking hurt
I grabbed her hand to show her some affection but she just pulled away pointing at some random building
I grabbed my phone to see a text from Alyssa saying if we could meet up again some time.
We met at a bar about 8 months ago and had a short thing
We agreed on staying friends cause we got along really well. I knew lover didn't like me beeing so open with people but it's just me
,,who are you texting?"
,,a friend"
I knew she started to overthink again at exactly that moment but idk what to do cause she was right
I slept with her cause she was attractive and then just randomly befriended her
I mean that is weird and a bit concerning but I am not cheating on her
I would never do that, would I?

An: reallyyyy short chapter and I am so sorry for not updating as much but I have so much stuff to do with work and school and I am so stressed about everything
So I am sorry but I will update more the next days! Love you guys 😽💓

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