birthday preparations

841 19 15

Rep x lover updates (group chat)
N: did you guys know that they both were fucking when I visited rep?
D: ew
R: same the last time I was there
F: oh dear...
S: what about we buy her a calendar for her birthday? I mean it's soon and we can call it some funny name just to make her mad
E: yeah I wanna make her mad
F: hm ok
D: sounds fun!

*Time skip one week

I was really nervous about reps birthday cause I had a gift but I didn't know if she would like it
I booked a few days in a 5 star hotel with a romantic suite and stuff
But that's when I noticed that I didn't know Rep at all
I mean yeah I knew soo much about her but not about what she really likes or her interests
I still thought it was a great gift and if she didn't like it I had a backup idea
Rep invited the friend group over on the evening of her day, leaving the whole other part of the day for us and I loved it
It was 2 am and I was decorating the living room with gold white and black balloons, flowers and candles. It looked lovely
I tapped upstairs opening the door very carefully trying not to wake the sleeping beauty
As I shifted next to her, reps arms warped around me pulling me in
She was tall so I could feel her long legs finding the legs intervened in mine

lover was staring at me with her big blue eyes looking like she just won the lottery
The smile on her face was wide and she was holding a little gift in her hands
But honestly I didn't really wanted the gift I much rather wanted her
,,that's for you birthday girl!" She pushed the little box against my chest still looking excited
I took it and put it on the night stand leaving her looking a bit disappointed
,,thank you, you look so pretty lov"
I pulled her in leaning my head do her neck breathing warm breaths on it
,,hey I thought you wanted to unpack your gift?"
,,mhm yeah later I first of want to start the day..."
My kissing was very convincing cause she was now throwing her head back letting me do my thing

We were laying next to each other completely out of breath
,,oh god that was amazing"
,,good way to start this day huh?"
,,YEAH but can you unpack the gift I gave you now?"

She took the box on her lap opening the big golden bow
I gave her my full attention as she opened it just to see little heart confetti and a card
She carefully opened the card and went silent for a few seconds beeing busy reading
,,OMG REALLY?" She looked in my eyes smiling
She connected our lips
,,thank you so much lov I love you!!"
,,I love you too"
,,oh good to know cause you have to spend a week with me in a luxurious hotel so you better love me"
She tried to sound serious but you could still hear the sarcasm leaking through her sentences
,,I will, so now come with me I have to show you something"
I tried to stand up but my legs just gave in
As I looked up I saw reputation standing over me reaching for my hand pulling me up again
,,weak legs huh?" Her green eyes fixated on me
,,oh shut up..." my cheeks were bright red at that point

We were stressing about the guests later so the mood was a bit down
I could see that rep was disappointed that nobody of the people she knew except for the group called or texted her
The thoughts about beeing someone nobody likes built up in her head over the whole day
And I felt it.

,,so how long does the cake ta-"
,,oh god can you just shut up for one second??? I can't stand your happy voice anymore"
I tried to not cry but it honestly was so hard
She was frustrated and I know that but it wasn't ok to let it out on me
,,can you change before the guests arrive?? I don't want them to see you in that short skirt!"
She never told me what I had to wear
,,but rep I really like this skirt and it-"
I ran up the stairs and disappeared in her room laying on the bed and sobbing in her pillow
It gave me miserable flashbacks

I was laying on the couch with my new summer dress scrolling through instagram
,,you're not wearing that to my friends birthday!"
,,why not? I love that dress"
,,omg it's so short don't ask stupid questions! It's your fault if you get catcalled in that thing I mean look at you! You look like you're begging for it!"
,,I am so not!"
,,oh yeah cause for me it seems like it and I mean if I think you are why shouldn't I-?"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me in a rough kiss rambling his hands all over my body

,,yes?" I whispered
Rep carefully opened the door and pulled me in a tight hug
,,I am so sorry lov. I was so out of my mind and that skirt looks great and you and it's not short and even if it was I have absolutely no right to tell you what to wear"
I sobbed harder manly through the part that I wasn't familiar with that nice behaviour
,,shhh it's alright I am sorry. What about we take out the cake now and decorate it?"
I nodded when she suddenly pulled me up and carried me to the living room

,,I thought you were the birthday girl" I chuckled ,,yeah but my wish is to carry you"
I put her on the counter and pulled out the baking gloves to put the cake out of the oven
,,that smells amazing!"
,,yeah lover you made it ofc it's amazing"
,,so everything I make is amazing?"
,,yeah I mean I would love a child you made...I mean in the future ofc"
,,oh wow that was straight forward"
The mood got awkward again and I was embarrassed that I even said that
,,Rep don't worry I know what you meant"
,,good it just slipped out sorry"
She smiled at me with the sweetest smile that was humanly possible
,,Now let's decorate!"

An: this was the longest chapter I ever wrote on this story hahaha
Sooo I am publishing my new story soon and it'll be Taylor related
Another thing is that I am sooo annoyed right now cause all my friends got asked to the school (kind of prom) dance except for me cause I never interact with boys from my school...
Yeah so there's that
Hope you're all great and I love you guys!!!💓

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