Love the wrong moment

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I noticed some mistakes in the last chapters with words and stuff so sorry for that hahaha
Anyways Enjoy ;)

M: rep wanna go out
I desperately need to get drunk
R: yeah same
M:ok, you drive? Cause Ik you sober up pretty fast
R: hm if you want but don't you dare puke in the car!!
M: I'll try

Going out drinking tonight
F: bro you drink every day so that's nothing new
L: ohh cool!
S: lover you don't even party
N: I bet she's never even been to a bar
L: I have!
R: how about we leave lover alone??
N: protecting your girlfriend rep? I mean you could just ask her to sleep with you
R: I'll kill you 1989
L: I don't want you guys fighting pls

Rep decided to go full on makeup today so she looked reallyy hot
She thought about picking up some girls cause the lover situation was just sooo frustrating for her
Outfit was simple
Baggy jeans and a black crop
Her hands were full of rings (for the gay look yk) and her dirty blonde hair was slightly wavy
She drove over to midnights to pick her up and drive to a bar nearby
They didn't talk that much cause honesty midnights only wanted to get wasted and rep wanted some girl attention
They were sitting at the bar when suddenly a tall girl with bleached hair came up to rep
,,oh hey there'' she said in a reallyyy raspy voice
,,you wanna go to the bathroom?''
Rep quickly asked probably too quickly
,,straight forward huh? I like that let's go''
She glanced at midnights who was ordering shot after shot so she just left her there
The bleached hair girl started to kiss down reps neck
Reputation was pushed against a wall closing her eyes
She tried to enjoy it but she felt really bad bc when the girl tried to go under her shirt she only thought about lover
The girl was rough and didn't really ask for any permission
I mean she agreed to it but it'll still be nice if she asked
She tried to unclap reps bra
,,Love-'' she stopped
Oh god no why
,,You calling me love now? We just met'' the girl was confused
,,sorry it's just, idk I don't feel comfortable maybe this wasn't the right idea..."
,,ok alr then leave pls" the girl looked pissed
I mean ofc she just moaned the name of another girl
And I do think she noticed that I was not calling her love
I left the bathroom and was shocked what I saw when I came out
TW- this could maybe be triggering (form of SA)
Standing in the middle of the dance floor looking extremely uncomfortable
2 guys beeing really close to her and trying to touch her
Oh god Noo
At that point lover was looking like she would cry any second
I ran up to her and pushed the guys away
,,hey wtf man!?"
,,how about you leave that poor girl alone??"
Lover tried to hide behind me
,,ok chill she was fine with it"
,,she wasn't and now just go"
I pulled lover in a hug
The situation made me be really bold so I just went for it
She hugged me back
Hands over my neck
Oh my goodness
,,you alr? What were you even doing here?"
,,yeah I just-, I wanted to prove to you guys that I can have fun in a bar..."
,,oh lov I know you can"
,,but 1989 is constantly picking on me for beeing boring"
,,you are not trust me, wanna go home"
She noded
I was so glad that rep was here
The guys made me feel deeply uncomfortable
Also rep looked extremely hot I couldn't deny it
I was trying to hug her without her feeling my heartbeat through my chest
We went to her car
Gladly she didn't drink
(Don't drink and drive guys)
The way home was quiet
But I was busy staring at her anyways
,,you done?" She said white a slight smile
,,uh sorry I was just... you look good"
,,Oh do I?"
Omg I am so red right now
,,mhm you do."
,,good to know"
It went silent again
After a few minutes we stopped in front of her apartment building
Oh no I am not staying over. I can't

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