Talk to me

807 17 17

I was standing there still in shock not beeing able to process all of the emotions that rushed over me
,,hey rep what's wrong"
I turned around to see 1989 standing next to me with a red cup in her hand
I just nodded in lover and midnights direction who where now sitting against the wall next to each other being very touchy and laughing about some random stuff
,,what is happening I don't understand-?"
1989 looked extremely confused
,,the.." she gulped ,,they kissed"
1989's eyes grew wide
,,Rep don't play with me right now this isn't funny."
,,I am not."
,,but I thought you and her and me and- wtf why would they do that to us??"
I could see how the girl was really upset she put the plastic cup down and started nervously playing with her her
I honestly was scared she would rip those out any second
,,I don't understand I thought you guys had a thing..."
,,we did but I kind of messed up out of pur jealousy..."
,,Reputation wtf she's sitting there kissing another woman. My women. So if you can't control yourself get your shit together and win her back cause there's no way you are ruining my relationship cause you bitch aren't able to communicate!!"
She was screaming at that point
I was furious
But not bc of how she insulted me but bc she was right
I had to talk to lover as soon as I could
I have to make things okay again

I said I wouldn't drink but i that didn't work out as planned
Midnights an me were getting wasted in the corner of the party
Tequila dripping down my throat and shared kisses with midnights
It felt so wrong and we both knew it
We were seriously not into each other and you could tell that It rather looked like two friends peaking their lips
I told midnights I would go
Standing up was like I tried doing a backflip
I had no idea of any directions and I pushed my way through the crowd keeping my hands on the side of the table
,,do you need help sweetie?"
I turned around just to see a tall man in front of me
He was already putting his hands on my waist helping me to go through the door
,,I need to call an Uber"
,,oh no problem I'll drive you I am still sober"
,,I don't think that's-"
He didn't let me finished and just pushed me towards the car
A loud voice appeared from behind
He almost dropped me as her turned around looking confused
,,you're not taking her with you! She's my responsibility now so just go away"
,,chill dude she wanted to go home with me"
,, yeah lie to yourself you freak"
Reputation was taking my hands leading me back in the house
,,Rep... I am so sorry I did something really stupid"
,,we are going to talk about this when you're sober"
,,but I kissed someone and it was awful"

An: heyyy I hope you guys don't hate me anymore after this chapter 😞
Hope you all have a great night/day/morning!!😽💓

Call me your loverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang