The day after the mess

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Lover was the first one to wake up cause of her extreme headache
She felt strong arms wrapped around her body
Oh god no!! She didn't go with a man home last night right? She was scared to turn around or move just in case he woke up
She wasn't able to remember anything of last night except for some faded memories of a tall gorgeous woman
But the rest was just blank space
She looked around the room as good as she was able to in the position she was in
It all looked kind of familiar
She looked down at the hands which were wrapped around her waist and upper body
Rings and red nail polish
Omg there is no way

She looked at the hands on her for a second before deciding to turn around so she was now face to face with the tall blonde
It was really Rep
But how-? I mean there was no way-? Did they-?
Oh no did she say something?
All these questions flying through her head while admiring the beautiful face in front of her
She followed the shape of her lips with her eyes
She let out an relieved breath
Everything was ok
They were ok
Or so she thought

The lout breath must've waked up rep bc she was now slowly opening her eyes.
She looked directly in the blue eyes of the girl who was staring up at her
,,oh hi"
Reputation was still kind of uncomfortable with the situation
She couldn't help it but look down at lovers lips
They were full and plump and as she knows, they kiss pretty good
,,are u alr?" Lover was checking on her
,,yeah. You need something? Idk some aspirin maybe?"
,,oh god please my head is killing me"
,, I am not surprised you were like pretty drunk"
,,omg did I say something bad?"
,,you kissed someone"
Rep sounded more quiet and a bit hurt
,,you right?"
,,what do you mean rep what did I do omg what"
,,you kissed midnights at her party- do you really not remember??"
Lover was opening her mouth in shock
,,Rep I am so sorry idk why I did that I can't really remember that much just that midnights gave me some weird kind of cigarettes and some alcohol and after that there is nothing there anymore"
,,dude you got high with her?"
,,I think so idk"
,,oh you are so never going to hang out with her again without me watching you"
,,no buts lover, be grateful that i saved you from all the mess you've gotten yourself into"
She gave a glass with aspirin to the girl
,,Rep are you mad?"
,,what do you think?? Would you like the girl you love to flirt with someone, get drunk and high, make out with her friends and then wanting to go home with some random guy??!"
Lover went silent and just stared in her green eyes
,,you love me?"
Reputation realised what she just said
She let out a sigh
,,ofc I do I mean common it's so obvious"
Lover was still staring at her
,,I love you too reputation" she said in a small voice
,,oh pls don't do this to me I am supposed to be really mad at you...and I just can't when you're looking at me like that!"
,,sorry, I am so sorry for everything I did. It was stupid and I want to be with you and I want you to be the only one"
,,don't say it if you don't mean it lov."
,,but I mean it."

An: heyy lovs💓
Soo new chapter and omg there is happening soo much
Would you like long chapters and less updates or short chapters and more updates (like it is now)?
Alsooo would you like for me to add some things that happened that day  in the authors note? Idk just so you kind of all get to know a bit about me
Love y'all😽

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