The Hotel (Pt.2)

777 15 27

We arrived at the hotel and people were already taking our luggage and bringing it to the room
The whole hotel looked extremely expensive with a bar, a hot tub, tennis fields and in general just visited by the rich. I honestly was impressed even tho I do have good money
Lover was all happy and excited and it was so cute but I still had weird thoughts about the situation.
We opened the door to our big suite. There was a king sized bed with so many pillows that I couldn't even count them
A bathtub was in the middle of the room
Lover instantly ran to the bed and hopped on it
,,oh pls take of your shoes!"
My voice sounded harsh and lover definitely noticed
She left the bed not nearly excited as when she jumped into it
I was in such a bad mood but maybe it was because I had my period or smth
,,you're sooo pretty"
The smaller girl swung her hands around my neck and started kissing me
I gave like zero energy in the kiss while lover was trying her best
Oh I felt bad but I couldn't tell her that we wouldn't be able to do it on this trip just bc of my stupid period
I knew she was planning on it and if I would act on any of her plans I would not be able to control myself
,,are u alright?"
She looked me deep in the eyes
,,yes. Let's go to the bar I wanna drink"
,,ok let me get ready"
She closed the door to the bathroom and disappeared in it for a while
I made myself comfortable and decided to dress in a short skirt with a Ralph Lauren pullover
Just to match the vibe
,,hurry up lover!"
,,yeah I am ready"
She quickly opened the bathroom door when I looked at her in shock
She looked extremely beautiful but I just wasn't able to tell her
Her long blonde hair was in soft locks and had a ribbon hanging of the little half up ponytail she made
Her face looked natural but with glossy rose lips and cheeks
She had a soft eyeliner with highlighter
She looked stunning
And I stood there in silence not telling her that
Oh god why is she making it so hard for me to hold back
I figured if I just acted distant and like she wasn't attractive I wouldn't have to act on my needs
But god was I wrong
I pulled myself together and opened the room door

I just stood there
She looked at me and said nothing
Like I was ugly
Maybe I look too fake or maybe it's my thighs I mean I gained some weight over the last month and you could see it
Or maybe she just fell out of love with me
Or maybe she was just using me all the time
I held back tears and grabbed my bag leaving the room shortly after her
We walked to the bar which was decorated with diamonds hanging from the ceiling and little glass figures all around the room
She sat down at the bar and leaned forward to the tall bartender
She was pretty and had blonde short hair with a
black top and some white pants
I noticed that reps body language changed
She sat up a bit leaning towards the chair and pulling her hair tight again
She put on a flirty face and that's when it hit me
She didn't love me anymore
I felt my heart break in a thousand pieces while I stood there looking at my women flirting with the bartender
Oh god how did I again think that I was loved...

An: poor lover...
Don't come for me pls I am just an innocent girl😞💓 (jk I am prepared for your reactions)

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