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Wei qi , Wei Xu and wei lin all three walk back to their house .

"Brother's I heard their is going to be a fair in a town. !"
Weiqi said while walking beside them.

"Hm..I also heard!"
Wei lin said and wei Xu beside them also know it he nod his head.

"Lets go then!"
Wei qi said

"I'll go with helin!"
Weixu said. He wanted to take helin with him as he helin will also enjoy .

Weiqi noded knowing well that he will take his wife.
He look at Wei lin.
"What about you elder brother??"
Going with eldest sister in law ?"

Weilin said.

"Okay then! We can go together I'll take tanyu with me so you guys can enjoy your date with your wife's !"
Wei qi said and smile while raising his eyebrows towards them.

"Okay "
Weixu and wei lin both noded their head.

In the house
Helin with yerin sit on yard and look at the soft ball wrap in swaddle at zhuzhi lap.

"It's cute!"
Tanyu said and touch the baby cheeks.

"All babies are cute !"
Shen aunty said and glance at her giggling grandson in zhuzhi lap.

"It's really cute sister mei"
Helin said to shen aunty daughter in law .

"Thankyou helin"
She smile at his child being praised.

"It is!"
Yerin also said and look at the chubby doll.
Helin look at her.

Zhuzhi saw yerin looking at the baby she handed it to her.

"It's heavy..."
Yerin smile and sway the baby little in her arms.

"Hey baby"
Helin hold the chubby hand of baby and shake it little .
Baby giggle and helin who saw this also start making funny faces to make baby laugh.
Yerin also smile seeing this.

"You also hold it helin"
Sister mei said

Helin noded and then with yerin guidance hold the baby in his arms.

"It's soft .."
Helin whisper and seeing the baby chubby hands grabbing towards his face he lean down letting baby touch it.

"You both will also have your own !"
Sister mei said while touching gently both yerin and helin head.

"Thank you sister mei"
Yerin with red eyes whisper and helin also nod his head thinking of his and weixu baby. He also smile.

"Yes.. yerin and helin you both will soon have your own chubby baby to hold.."
Aunty shen also chipped in.
Zhuzhi who saw her both daughter in law also smile and wish for same for them from her heart.

"Hey then I can have two niece to play"
Tanyu clap his hands and laugh .

"You..this child..always thinking of playing!"
Zhuzhi poke his head .

"Let it be zhuzhi !..theirs still time for his marriage!"
Aunty shen said as tanyu ger is only 14 this year and in this time period ger and girls marriageable age is 15.

"Only one more year then he will be..."
Zhuzhi continue poke his head and smile.

"Oww !"
Tanyu rub his forehead and move to play with the baby.

"Baby boy get bigger fast then I'll take you to play with me!"
He said to baby who in reply only giggle.

"Hey look he is agreeing !"
Tanyu laugh.

Other laugh at this cuteness.

At front door both weixu's and Weilin look at the inside.

Weilin look at the yerin and the baby.
Weixu beside him who saw helin holding the chubby baby in his arms also in deep thought.

Seeing their wife's  laughing both Wei lin and weixu has a smile on their face.

"Oh elder and second brother"
Tanyu who notice them first called.

"Hello shen aunty ! Sister mei!"
Both greet them.

"Hey "
Aunty shen smile and sister mei also noded her head to their greetings.

"Is meeting finished .we will also go then"
Aunty shen said and get up with sister mei taking the baby from helin.

"We'll go zhuzhi "
She said and zhuzhi sent them off to gate.

"You guys came alone ..where's your father and weiqi??"
Zhuzhi ask and sit in her stool.

"father is their discussing with others and wei qi went to mafugai house "

Weixu said and took the bowl from helin to drink water.
Zhuzhi noded.

"Brother's you both missed the chance to hold sister mei baby was cute and chubby!"
Tanyu said and giggle thinking of the cute baby.

"It's alright!"
Weilin said and hold the hand of yerin .
She smile at Weilin and later look at her quietly.

"It's really cute!"
Helin also said . He smile thinking of the chubby baby he hold in his arms.

"It's Cute"
Weixu look at helin smile  and whisper
Helin smile more with a little pink cheeks.

my lovely hunter husband Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora