ch 4

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Wei Xu seeing all the commotion on yard and seeing the  He family members . he really feel disgusting.

Today was his marriage day but now it turn in to this mess.
And his fulang who was supposed to marry him run away to be with someone else in town.
He got news from the one of the young man in village that he rim was in contact with the young master in town.

He really feel disgusted with the He family .
He didn't want to look at them and be with them in same place but ... He look at the center of yard.
The small ger in red cloth who was trembling and trying his best to not be weak was their .demanding justice and spewing his grievances infront of people. He couldn't leave this mess like that ...not leave Helin alone.

"Stop !" He said loudly.

All the people in yard stop in their places.
He look at them and then move towards herui.

he rui who was towered over by this tall strong wei Xu got scared. He was really afraid of beating as he knew how this fierce hunter strong hands are.

"You return the 2/3 of the dowry to us remaining tails of silver will be the dowry for helin ger " he said and his face was cold and fierce.

He rui who was faced by him couldn't make out a sound .
He noded his head silently.

"No I don't accept!" Du xi shouted .
She wasn't ready to handover the money to them not after all this mess.
She already lost her face now she couldn't even care about fake face.

"You don't tell me already got involve with him " she said and smirk .

People on yard was in ugly face hearing her words .
Wei Xu brow furrowoned .he lin on side was pale . he knew du xi was selfish but seeing him attacking his innocence really cross the limit in his heart.

"Shut up !...your gutter mouth see how i close it " zhuzhi couldn't take any longer she directly slap her in face .

"You..." Du xi got slap she didn't hold back and attack her but zhuzhi was not to face loss she hold her hands and pinch her waist and when du xi cried she again slap her cheeks.

"Stop! you both "

"Village chief !"

Wei qi who earlier got separated by the crowd return with the village chief of shilin village.

"Village chief help !.." seeing him coming du Xi kneeled down in front of him and he rui also kneeled.

"What help you guys wants after creating all this mess "
Village chief drunk sharply to them.

He glance at the people on yard .seeing  their own relative were unwilling to saw up for them it shows how He family has crossed the limits.

He look at pale and weak Helin.
This poor ger.

He move from them and then went to stand in middle of place.

"All  people's our village person fault to cheat you " he said and then glare at the both culprits.

"I as a head of shilin village say sorry to you wei family for this situation "

He bowed to them.

Wei Xu on side look at the couple on ground and helin standing on yard.

Helin on side was dizzy .earlier hit put him a lot in loss as he was already dizzy and now he was seeing all black .his eyes flutter and his foot losing balance.

He hold his dizzy head but couldn't stop his unbalanced body and fall but he didn't hit ground as wei Xu hold his body and press his face closer to his chest.

He was paying attention to helin and seeing him faint he hurriedly catch him.
Holding his cold and trembling body in his arms his heart tighten .
He carried him in bridal style and then turn to Village chief

"Uncle i request you to call doctor ..helin needs to see one right now !" He said and about to enter the room but stop by du xi

"You created all this mess and think I'll allow you to step inside of my house ....
Du xi look at them with hateful eyes .she really wish to kill them and seeing Helin unconscious in wei Xu arms .she wants him to die.

"This little bitch ..good for nothing ..even if he die....".    " shut up"

Her cursing stop in middle when wei Xu shouted coldly to her.

He glare at her with dark eyes. His cold face was darker and any person who saw this will be frightened.
Du Xu was scared on the verge of tear.

Wei Xu step forward with helin in his arms.

"He is my wife now! ..don't speak nonsense about him otherwise.. no one will be worse then me "
He warned her word by word.

Wei family on yard listen to his words.
Wei long sighs .
his second son character he himself was clear ,if he accept helin as his wife then they don't need to say more on this matter.
Zhuzhi also knew this she was unhappy with He family and with this marriage but hearing wei Xu words she didn't said anything .
Alas! it's better that this helin ger was different from the other he family members.
She think in her heart and sigh yerin beside her pated her shoulder.
She was also happy with wei Xu decision otherwise given the He  family virtues she was afraid this poor ger will get killed by them.

"Second brother sit here "
Wei tanyu the ger child of  wei family pulled a chair and placed it near the firewood hut which was less crowded by the people for him to sit with helin.

"Hmm" wei Xu sit on it and make helin sit on his lap .
He hold his back with his left hand and his right hand hold his back of head and place it close to his chest so his cold body will get little warmth from his body.

People saw all this . If it was done in broad daylight between a ger and man it'll be shameful to watch but seeing how helin faint and now  was wei Xu fulang .they didn't interfere.

One of the neighbour aunty pulled a light quilt to cover helin cold body.

"Here used this to cover him ..his face look pale he must be cold "
She said and handed wei Xu the quilt.

"Thanku aunty"
Wei Xu thanked her. His brow didn't loosen his furrowoned as Helin in his arms was really cold and trembling.
he couldn't cover and hold her more tightly closer to his body infront of people .

He really needed this quilt .
He cover him up to shoulder and hug him tightly closer to his body.

"Wang doctor is here !" The young man bought the village  doctor to He family courtyard.

"Doctor see him ..he faint just now !"
Wei lin took him to helin.

Wang doctor look at helin in wei Xu arms. he also heard what happen from the man in his way.
Seeing Helin face he really couldn't say much to he family .they are really disgusting.

"Let me take his pulse !"
He said and squatted down to hold helin wrist.

Seeing red mark on it he frowned.
Village chief on side all saw that he glare at the
He couple.

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