ch 2

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Wei Xu was really shocked to seeing other person in place of He rim.

The person in front of him was different ge'r.
Seeing Helin looking at him with the pale face and the red teary eyes.
He frowned. his cold face was getting darker seeing this Helin cried more.

"Who are you ?" Wei Xu asked his voice was cold.

Helin shuddered hearing his voice .with trembling body tell him
"Im-m He lin-n"
His voice choked.
His breathing was heavier he cried more looking at wei Xu dark face.

"I ..I'm innocent...they...." He told him everything while shuttering and his tears fall more.

Wei Xu standing in front of helin was silently listening .his brow furrowoned more and his face become darker but seeing Helin crying he didn't know why but he couldn't make it to scold and took out his anger on Helin.

Helin was crying mess his voiced choke so much that he coughed while talking.

Wei Xu after listening to all the story went outside the room.

Helin in room cried till his eyes were little swollen. he was busy crying out his grievances and fear of all this time that he didn't even notice the group of people looking at him in room.

Wei family all members were present on door seeing him crying and all of them after hearing the news was not happy.

Wei mother  zhuzhi was angry being betrayed by He family .
Wei father wei long was also standing beside her . His eldest son wei lin with his wife yerin was also present their.
Yerin seeing Helin crying while coughing couldn't bear any longer and  took a step forward in room .

Helin was crying he didn't notice untill someone touch his shoulder.
He tremble with the touch .
Yerin who touch him also got shocked by his condition.

Helin tried to avoid her touch as he was scared to be beaten by them.
He tried to dodge her hand which raised to his face but whined in pain  when yerin hold his wrist.

Yerin who hold his wrist also stop her movements. Seeing his crying she pull his sleeves and got shocked seeing his wrists.

"Mother this..." She moved little so other in room could also see .

Seeing Helin wrists with red marks they all feel guilt for this poor ger.
Zhuzhi who was already angry with He family started feeling disgust with them seeing the red marks on He lin wrists.

Wei Xu on room also saw his wrist red marks which was likely to be made by being binded by rope for long time.

He frowned more and his eyes darker.

All the other people on yard was whispering seeing all the member going inside the new room .
They all guess something was wrong .they tried to ask and tried to look at inside but the door was block by the wei family members.

After a whispering got louder outside .
Wei long who was silent said
"Surname He has to give us anwers for all this "
His old face doesn't look good while saying.

"This He family really thinks of cheating us ..come lets go we have to settle this matter "
Zhuzhi on side was louder and her voice was sharp .

He lin was trembling and yerin who hold his wrists also felt that she really feel pitty for him.
Just now she also see other red marks on his forearm which likely to be the work of He family.

This poor ger .
She lightly hold his palm and slowly make him stand up.

"Let's go !" She said slowly and softly to make him less scared.

After all the people come out when they saw the new bride coming out of room they understood what's going on.

Being in same village if any one person is being cheated all the people in village will step forward to help them .
And wei family in Qiao qingshan village has good reputation so naturally many families were willing to go with them to shillin village.

He lin who was pulled by  daughter in law of wei family yerin to walk was really in fear.

He didn't  know what's to come for him but seeing all the shouts and words he got more pale .
His seemingly little life body was slowly loosing his life.

He trembling walk but he didn't stop and paused to passed his dizziness as he was really feeling wrong and also wants to face He family.

All the members of wei family with the third room of wei family also went to the shillin village .

Wei Xu face was cold.
He glance at the trembling helin on side and seeing him walking while holding his head to not faint from dizziness his eyes got darker.

At the entrance of shillin village seeing the large group of strong man coming at great length to their village . The idle people on village knew something was going to happen and seeing Helin being dragged with them and his attire they knew it will be a huge scene in He family.

In the huge group of people wei Xu whispered something to his younger brother wei qi and he noded and move away from the crowd .

At the door of He family house.

"Surname He come out "
Wei long shouted at the door .

Inside the house
He rui and du xi who was hearing the shouts were little anxious.

Du xi look at the he rui and other also look at him.
"Go see what's they want " she pushed the He rui and other refused to go
"You go !" He pushed her and later glare at her.

"What? It's yours idea to marry Helin in place of Herim so you go !" He said and folded his hands on his chest.

"Huh! ..didn't you also agree on this..don't forget if I didn't did this you won't be getting any silver from Wei family then !"
She also fought back to him.

"You..      "come out surname He "

They were stop by the shouts outside.
"Let's go " he rui said and pulled duxi out of house.

Seeing the large group of people outside the courtyard door they got little scared.

"What happen inlaws ?" He rui asked
And gulped seeing all the strong mans in their side.

"What happen??..don't try to act oversmart !" Wei long shouted loudly.

He rui seeing their face was sure they were here not to talk .

Seeing him not opening gate wei Xu Directly kick the door and enter inside.

"Hey" du xi shouted seeing all of them coming .

She stop in middle and then said sharply while pointing her fingers.
"You already married him what's the point of doing all this ..huh?"
She was really shameless and then she saw trembling Helin and pointed her fingers to her.
"You ungrateful thing ..I did all this for you and this is how you repay me ?"
She said and stared cried and putting all words on Helin.

"Oh my heaven ..on what days do I have to face this...I simply did this to make him Helin to be happy and here I am getting disappointed in return " she sat on ground and pat the soil while howling loudly.

Fron the outsider point of view it was like all this for He lin good but the people from wei family was not convinced from her act not after seeing red mark on Helin wrists and his pale bloodless face.

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