ch 20

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Inside the room,
weixu stand facing helin near their bed.
Helin was shy being started by weixu quietly.

Weixu look at helin and after a minute raised his left hand .
He reached out to his hair and remove the wooden hairpin from his bun.

"Husband.." helin look at weixu with his wooden hairpin. His waist length long black hair scattered behind his back. Making helin to look mesmerizing in Wei Xu eyes.

He mumble with his deep voice.

helin blushed .

"I have present for you!"
Weixu put the wooden hairpin down on table and took out the red cloth from his bossom pocket.

He unwrapped it and showed the silver hairpin of cheery blossoms flower design.

"It's beautiful.."
Helin praised seeing the gift.

Weixu smile and then hold helin hand.
"I'll put it on you!"
He make him sit on chair on dressing table.

He wrapped his hair in half bun and half open.
Putting the silver hairpin on his bun.

"It's beautiful!"
Weixu praised seeing helin in mirror.

"Me?...or the hairpin??"
Helin was really in awe seeing weixu. He ask to teased him.

"You helin !"
Weixu said directly and smile seeing helin shy face.

Helin was embarrassed by his words. He removed his gaze from weixu and look at his image on mirror . He touch the hairpin on his hair.

"Thank you ...husband !"
Helin smile. His voice sounded like sweet honey to weixu. His heart itchy he bend down and capture his soft lips.

After that both sit on bed.

"Come husband ..lay your head on my lap!"
Helin pated his lap and wei Xu with red ears lay his head on his lap. He gently caress his hair .

"It's relaxing " weixu hummed feeling helin soft caress in his head.

Helin smile softly and look at weixu deep black eyes which was fill with love for him.
"thankyou !" Weixu said while playing with helin hairs with his fingers.

"Sheesh ! need to thank me's my happiness to do this for you !"
Helin said and caress his face gently with his finger.

"Um!...on mountain when ......."
Weixu heart was warm.
He played with his hairs and talk with helin about his days in mountain.

Helin with a smile listen to his words and kept caressing his hair and face gently.

Around evening
Helin was in kitchen making dinner with yerin.
He decided to make stir fry veggies with meat.
He took the washed veggies and started to chop.

Yerin beside her put the washed rice on pot and squat down to put more firewood. Then she went out and meet Wei Xu standing near kitchen door.

"Sister in lin is calling you "
Wei Xu said seeing her coming out.

"Huh??..I didn't heard him ...?"
Yerin said and then saw wei Xu looking inside the kitchen.
"Oh yes ..your brother is calling me ...I'll go! ...But I have to help Ah lin in kitchen."
She said and smirk seeing weixu brighten eyes.

"I'll do it !"
Wei Xu hurriedly agreed. Noticing his gaffe he coughed and then said.

"I mean I'll help Helin in kitchen to make dinner!"

Yerin laugh. "Okay you accompany I mean help your wife I'll go ..I guess I won't be back for some time so make sure to help him !"
She said and went away.

Inside the kitchen helin was chopping in kitchen board. His back facing the door.
His head lowered ..busy in work.
He didn't notice Wei Xu coming closer to him.

Helin startled when a pair of big hand wrap around his waist.
Feeling the familiar warmth around him and scent he relaxed.

"Husband what if someone came"
Helin whisper in low voice to weixu.
Feeling shy in his embrace.

"No one will come!..wife..." Wei Xu said and lean his face closer to helin neck.
He gave a light peck on his side neck.

Helin feel tickled with his touch.

Weixu hold his waist and make Helin turn around to face him.

"What's wrong ?...are you hurt??"
Wei Xu ask seeing Helin red eyes . His brow frowned he stare at Helin face to find any wound, cut . not seeing any he then hold his both palm to check if he was hurt their.

"Husband...I'm not hurt... relax!"
Helin said seeing weixu brow frowned in worried .he feel warm in his heart.
He rub the worried tall man chest gently to assure him.

"Then why are you crying??"
Weixu hold the palm on his chest and ask . His brows frowned didn't loose.
He stare at helin with his deep eyes.

"That..I was cutting some onions eyes got little teary "
Helin said and chuckled hearing Wei Xu sighs.

"Don't laugh! ..I was worried thinking you got hurt."
weixu sighs in relief .
Hearing Helin chuckled he got little embarrassed at his confusion.
He pinch his cheeks little.

"Don't get hurt !"
He said seriously.
He was really worried seeing his red eyes . He remembered the scene of their wedding day his heart hurt. he didn't want to see helin again in that condition.

"Okay husband!"
Helin smile and peck his cheeks.

"Now you don't think anyone will come ??"
Wei Xu got red ears and seeing helin smirking at him he said and pinch his waist little.

"No one will come!"
Helin copied wei Xu words.
"You..." Wei Xu being teased smile and kissed his lips.

After that weixu help him with fire and stayed in kitchen with helin.

They didn't notice the figures eavesdropping on them from kitchen door.

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