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Sam's POV

1 year after....

I'm in the office right now. It's been a year since Mon left me. There's no new she's still the one. I miss her everyday.

I live myself with going to work and home only. My parents are little bit worried on me but they understand why l had been like this.

I'm a lifeless people. I live because I have to.

Sometimes when I miss her I go to the seaside and talk to her. Somehow she's always my safe place.

Her parents left the country a year ago after Mon died. They widraw from the company and they said they need some space. Which I respect.

I don't have any contact from them. They didn't even say where country they will migrate.

Today is mon's 1 year death anniversary.

My friends keeps calling that we shall hang out for later. But I know they are just helping me to get over everything.

I had decided to visit her later.

After work.

After she left I was like a doll..

No emotion just working to live.

I had no reason to live eversince she left. The color she gives in my life was taken a year ago.

Nita that bitch is now sentenced for death. I make sure she's not coming out of that jail. Never.

She shall be punished forever. She took my life then I will give her the same.

Everyone is now scared of me. And I don't care.

Even small mistake I'm getting mad.

My patience is not like it was before.

No one can make me smile like Mon did

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No one can make me smile like Mon did.

I'm still wearing our engagement ring cause it's her. If she had not left maybe where married.

It always was her.

After office hours. I stopped by the flower shop to buy her favorite flowers.

I then go the sea side were we scattered her ashes.

I sit down Watching the sun set.

"Look baby the sun is so beautiful. I hope your here seeing this scene"

"I brought you your favorite flower" I said I let the flower be in the sea with the waves

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"I brought you your favorite flower" I said I let the flower be in the sea with the waves.

"I hope your doing well in heaven baby! Don't be so much stubborn! I'm not there to watch you" I said jokingly but still longing is in my voice

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"I hope your doing well in heaven baby! Don't be so much stubborn! I'm not there to watch you" I said jokingly but still longing is in my voice

"I miss you baby. Everyday is like a torture without you. I can't even explain how I survived a year without you"

"Was heaven is beautiful baby?"

"But I bet your more beautiful"

Later on I drink the wine beside me. Yeah I bring some to help me ease this pain inside my heart. I always drink since she left. It's somehow helps me to get sleep at night.

It's getting dark and I decided to go home. I'm a little tipsy right now.

"See you next time baby! Don't worry my eyes are on you only"

"I love you" I said

Then the cold breeze goes into me. It is you Mon? Are you hugging me? Then hug me tight.

I then go the car and start driving home.

I'm almost near in my house. When I hear a loud horn. It's a truck. I then spin my wheels to avoid it but I crashed in a tree. I heard a loud sound from crashing before everything went black.


We can now be together soon. Wait for me ...

The end..


Hi guys this book has end!!! Thanks for reading and supporting me. I'm thinking about making a book 2! I'm sorry if we had to end this story like this. But it's for us to grow also!!!


Your author.

Trapped in your armsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant