Chapter 7

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Rihan and Inaya were in the car, heading to a scenic spot. They didn't talk much, as Inaya was busy with her phone and Rihan kept glancing at her while driving.

He wanted to break the silence, so he played a song on the radio. He hoped she would like it and maybe sing along. When they arrived at their destination, Inaya was amazed by the view.

She thought to herself, "Wow, he really knows how to impress a girl." She smiled secretly, but didn't show any emotion to Rihan.

He asked her, "Do you like it here?" She replied with a flat "Yeah." He felt hurt by her lack of enthusiasm, but he didn't say anything

Rihaan was about to stand up and pull out the chair for Inaya, but she stopped him with a hand gesture and said, "I can do it myself, thank you."

She didn't want him to think that she needed his help or that she was impressed by his manners. They both sat down at the table and Rihaan asked Inaya to order.

She glanced at the menu and picked something randomly, then went back to her phone. Rihaan felt awkward and tried to make some small talk, but Inaya barely responded. She seemed bored and annoyed by his presence.

When the food arrived, Inaya surprised Rihaan by serving him a plate. He was shocked to see her doing that. He wondered if she was trying to be nice or if she had some ulterior motive.

His thought was over by the snap of Inaya fingers in front of his face Which made his heartbeat rise as if there is something in her mind That can be evil or maybe good only god knows.

Rihaan and Inaya had just finished their dinner. Rihaan leaned in and whispered, "When will we sign the contract?"

Inaya looked around nervously and said, "My lawyer will bring the contract on the day of engagement. Don't worry, everything will go smoothly."

Rihaan frowned and said, "Inaya , think again how much our families will be hurt if they find out. This is not a real marriage, it's just a deal."

Inaya sighed and said, "I'm doing this for my family. They want to see me as a married woman and you want a tag of married man. We both get what we want, right?"

Rihaan felt a pang of anger when he heard that. He was doing this marriage on his own will, but he had told Inaya that he wanted the tag because Inaaya wanted a contract marriage. Rihaan lied. He actually liked Inaya and wanted to make her happy.

Rihaan and Inaya were heading to the parking lot. They were surprised to see a crowd of media waiting for them, flashing their cameras and microphones.

"Ma'am, when are you going to get married?" one reporter asked Inaya, who looked flustered.

"Ma'am, how long have you two been dating?" another reporter asked, trying to get closer to them.

Rihaan put his arm around Inaya and said, "We appreciate your interest in our personal lives, but we're not ready to share anything yet. Please give us some space and respect our privacy. Thank you."

He then opened the car door for Inaya and they both got in. He drove away quickly, leaving the media. They reached Inaya's house in no time. Inaya got out of the car and thanked Rihaan for the ride. She said goodbye and headed towards the door.

As she was about to enter, she heard her grandmother's voice from inside. "In my time, we didn't even see the photo of the boy, but now look at them. They have to go around together before the wedding."

Oh dadi ma, you have no idea what the world is like today. You lived in a different era, where things were strict and orthodox.

Reevati ji said, "Inaaya, you have to obey our rules, how dare you wear such shameful clothes?"

Inaya said, "Dadima, I don't mean to disrespect you, but I feel more expressive and confident in these clothes. I can wear both western and Indian outfits, depending on the occasion and my choice."

Inaya and her grandmother entered the house after their conversation . Inaya went to her room while the others had dinner downstairs. Later, they also retired to their rooms.

Shanaya, Inaya's sister, came to her room and asked eagerly, "Dii, spill the beans, how was your date? And did you see how you two are trending on Insta?"

Inaya replied, "Shanu, please let me sleep. I have a big meeting tomorrow."

Shanaya said, "Don't be like that, Dii. Don't make excuses. Just tell me what happened."

Inaya said, "Shanu, there's nothing to tell. Now go to sleep and let me sleep too. Good night, Shanu."

With that, Inaya closed her eyes and drifted off. Shanaya sighed and cuddled next to her sister.

Next day

Inaya woke up early today and began her daily routine. She freshened up, got dressed and joined her family for breakfast.

Janhvi ji asked Inaya, "Inaya, when do you have time? Your mother-in-law wants you to pick a ring and a lehenga for the engagement."

Inaya replied, "Maa, I'm busy today, I'll let you know about tomorrow's schedule later."

As Inaya was leaving, Revati ji said, "Inaya, is this someone else's wedding that you don't have time for it?"

Inaya said to dadi, "Dadi, I have a very important meeting today, this client is very crucial for me and my company."

Dadi then said, "Haan, as if this wedding is of some stranger, which doesn't matter to you."

Inaya was about to speak up when Vivek ji interrupted her. "Inaya, you should go now or you'll be late." He said.

Then Reevati ji chimed in. "Vivek, you have spoiled your daughter rotten, this girl has no discipline."
She said.

Vivek ji sighed. "Oh come on, Maa, let her be, wo bacchi h abhi."

(This is for those who do not understand Hindi:- "she is just a child".)

As soon as Vivek ji spoke, Inaaya immediately got out and sat in the car and left for the office.


Hey guys

Lemme know in comment how was the chapter and hit the⭐ button

Till then,
Stay happy stay safe

YS ❤️✨

spill the drink (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz