Chapter 6

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Rihan was in his studio. He was signing the files of some upcoming songs and concerts.

Abhi angrily opens the door and comes inside and says, "Rihaan, you are going to get married and you didn't tell me. This is very wrong"

Rihaan saw his drama and said, "Stop this useless cry." Rihan further said, "Yes, it is happening. Come and dance at the wedding."

Abhi glanced at Rihaan and then said, "If navya gets to know from aunty, then she will definitely kill u."


Abhi and Rihaan had moved to Banaras from different cities with their families. Their parents believed that Banaras was a holy place where their children would get a good education and learn about devotion.

They were 15 years old and excited to start a new chapter in their lives. They joined the same school and became friends on their first day.

They were walking in the corridor when some boys started teasing them and pushing them around. They tried to defend themselves, but they were outnumbered.

Just then, a girl came running and shouted at the boys. She asked them what they were doing and why they were bullying the new students.

She looked like a leader and had a strong voice. The boys recognized her as Navya, the head girl of the school. They were afraid of her and tried to apologize.

She did not listen to them and told them to come with her to the principal's office. She scolded them for their bad behavior and warned them not to repeat it.

The boys begged her to forgive them and said sorry to Abhi and Rihaan. Then they ran away from there.

Navya turned to Abhi and Rihaan and asked them if they were okay. She introduced herself as Navya Shukla. She asked them their names and where they came from. They told her that they were Abhi and Rihaan, and that they had come to Banaras for their studies. They asked her where their class was, as they were new to the school. She told them that they were in the same class, 8th, and that she would show them the way.

She smiled at them and said that they could be friends if they wanted. They agreed happily and followed her to the classroom. They sat next to her and chatted with her. They found out that they had many things in common.

They all loved music and singing, and they all wanted to do well in their studies. They also shared their hobbies and interests with each other. Navya told them that she often went to the ashram to help the poor people and pray to God.

She invited them to join her sometime, and they agreed eagerly. They felt a strong bond with her and decided to stick together. They became inseparable friends who supported each other in everything.


Abhi further said "You were saying that you will only marry the club girl on whom you spill the drink."

Abhimanyu questioned rihaan "When will you introduce me to sister-in-law"? If aunty had not told me today, you would not have been going to tell Rihaan.

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