Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Berry don't make me break down this door? What's wrong?" I demand.

I hear her hesitate before she answers. "I just got my period and I don't have any pads or tampons."

"Oh! Do you have some in your locker? I'll go get them for you?" I offer.

"No. I ran out last month. I was going to restock tomorrow but I'm a couple of days early." She explains.

I can hear the panic in her voice so I wrack my brain on what to do. An idea pops into my mind so I tap on the door.

"I'll be right back. Sit tight."

"I've got nowhere else to be." She mumbles.

I run out of the girls bathroom nearly knocking a couple of people over and go directly to the cafeteria. I sigh in relief when I see Kristie at the table wrapped up in Baron's arms. She's the only other girl I associate with at the school so I hope she can help me.

"Where's princess?" Wesley asks when he sees me without Kennedy by my side.

"She's coming." I reply and sit next to Kristie.

She looks at me weird since I never sit next to her.

"I need a favor." I say quietly.

"What's up?"

I don't want the guys hearing what I have to say so I lean in closer and whisper what I need in her ear crossing my fingers that she has what I need. She nods her head, reaches into her bag, rummages for a moment and a minute later she hands me a pad and tampon making sure to keep them away from prying eyes. I shove them into my jacket and jump up from my seat making everyone look at us weird. I don't have time to explain and run back to the bathroom as fast as I can.

It's still empty so I walk up to the stall I know Kennedy is waiting in.

"Berry you still here?" I ask rapping my knuckles on the door.


I crouch down and hand her what Kristie gave me through the gap on the door. I literally hear her sigh in relief.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, I'll wait outside." I say and excuse myself.

I get to my feet and leave the bathroom walking into a couple of girls who are getting in. They give me weird looks but I ignore them and patiently stand to the side waiting for Kennedy. She emerges a few minutes later looking less chipper than when I last saw her but relieved.

"You okay?" I ask her.

She walks up to me and wraps her hands around my waist burying her face into my chest.

"Thank you, I'm okay now." She replies.

"You're welcome." I say kissing the top of her head.

We stand like that for a couple of more minutes before she steps back and stands on her tiptoes to peck my lips. I hold her in place before she can pull away and deepen the kiss.

She hesitates for a moment before melting into my touch and kissing me back. I hold her firmly against me, enjoying how her body feels pressed against mine. Before it gets too far I remember where we are standing so I politely pull back and peck her lips.


"Not really but I should eat." She answers.

I take her hand and we stop by her locker to get her lunch box before proceeding to the cafeteria. She always packs extra so she has enough for the both of us meaning I don't have to get food from the lunch line. However I do get some apple juice for me and lemonade for her.

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