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YOU, we both said in unison

This son of a ..

What are you doing here , i asked

I should be asking you that same question,he replied

To answer your question ,I'm here to pick up someone

And that someone is me , he answered back

Ya k , is he the one

Yes, but why are you guys fighting, have you ever met somewhere , khalifa said

Yes ya k , he is the mall guy i told you about

Ow , so you are the one that left my sister speechless, good job man

Why are you supporting him, I didn't even wait for his reply , and back to you ram , i turned to the guy

Mind your tongue , you little bitch

When you guys finish , hop in let's go , ya k said

What a brother i have , i thought to myself

And you , who are you calling bitch, i asked fuming

You, of course , you are the only abnormal human being in this airport

You are so sick in the brain , international monkey , pig,..... i was cut off by my phone ringtone

It was mamie, Hello mamie, i said after picking

Have you guys seen Aayan , oh so that's his name, I thought to myself

Yes mamie, we will be leaving the airport soon ,

Ok , bye


And you.. i turned to continue my rants , but he was already in the car , fool

I entered the backseat and we drove off

We were silently sitting , not until ya k opened his mouth

You guys will make a nice couple , ya khalifa said

Eww , I scrunched up my face , Allah ya kiyaye(God forbid )

Subhanallah , aayan said eyeing me

Stop giving me that look , I didn't make that statement, I snapped

Just be quiet, aayan said

Shut me if you can , I replied

He didn't say anything and i turned sideways and hissed thinking he gave up , not until i felt a handkerchief being shoved into my mouth

Mmmmmmmmm mmm i mumbled inaudibly , I slapped his hands and he let go

What was that for, why are you so stupid huh , why will you shove that in my mouth  i muttered angrily

It was to shut you up , you gave me the go ahead remember, he smirked

He looked devilishly handsome , wait what am I thinking

Stop embarrassing yourself, you don't have to make it more obvious that you are soo ugly , monkey , astaghfirullah because I myself know i'm lying

Do yourself that favor also, you need it, if not you might end up in a zoo

Just..... i was cut off by ya khalifa who carelessly brought the car to a halt by the side of the road

What no ya k, I inquired

Both of you should calmly get out of my car and continue your stupid, useless arguments, ya khalifa said clearly annoyed

Ya khalifa it's not my fault, he started , i stated

What , khalifa , you know this your girlfriend started it all

WHAT , ya khalifa and i said at the same time looking at each other and we both burst into a fit of laughter , Aayan looking at us like we are some sort of maniacs

Why are you guys laughing like that, Aayan said after we both stopped laughing

You thought she is my girlfriend , ya k asked as Aayan calmly nodded his head

C'mon man she is my sister, do you think i will ever date someone as senseless and childish as my sister

I'm right here bro , incase you forgot, i shouted

Woww , you guys are two different people wallah , while the brother is calm and friendly, the sister is rough, stupid, senseless and all that, aayan said

It's okay please , stop fighting like that please and please. Ya k pleaded

I just kept quiet because i'm annoyed and I'm tired of ranting

We just sat in complete silence till the car came to a halt in front of our house  . I jumped off the car and headed inside

Mamiee , i shouted

What do you want now,mamie said

We are back,i said

Where is Aayan, she asked

Then we heard the front door open

Asslamu alaikum, Aayan salaamed

Wa alaikumu salam

Aayan my son get up, how are you, how was your trip, mamie asked

Alhamdulillah mamie , he answered

I know you must be tired and hungry , come let me show you your room , so you can freshen up, she said to him

So that was why , the maids were cleaning the guest room, it was for him

Afrah show him his room , mamie said

What why me , I internally groaned

I walked ahead of him while he walked behind him , here is your room , i said and walked away , i heard him muttering something to himself .

I went to my room and straight to the bathroom, i had a nice bath and immediately my head hit me the pillow, i fell asleep.

Hey lovelies 🌹

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Cute magic🏵️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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