Encounter 1

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Ya ilahi, i groaned as i got up to check who was banging on my door.

What do you want now amir, i said after opening the door.

I just came to wake you up, he said and ran downstairs.

I just stood there with mouth agape this boy is something else i said then turned and went back inside my room then headed to the bathroom, i bathed,brushed and came out .

I wore a dark blue jeans and a purple T shirt then i combed my hair and tied it in a bun , then headed downstairs.

I went straight to the kitchen , good morning mamie , i greeted my mother.

Morning afrah , hope you slept well , she answered .

Yes mamie, i said as i walked to the dining where warmers were arranged.

I opened the warmer only to come face to face with a mountain of pancakes.

I hurriedly sat and served myself 7 pancakes , then i poured a reasonable amount of maple syrup, then i dug in.

Easy there afrah, papie said .

Good morning papie , you know when it comes to pancake I can't help it.

He chuckled while mamie served him the breakfast.

I finished eating then took my plate to the kitchen , where i saw amir drinking water by fridge, his back facing me .

I gently picked up a spatula and tiptoed to where he was and hit him hard on the butt.

Ouchh, he shouted and angrily turned to face me,

I started laughing uncontrollably because of the way he was rubbing his butt.

Haba ya afrah , wallahi you are wicked he shouted and stormed off .

I went back to my room and sas 4 missed calls from Bestie💞👯‍♀️❤️.

I picked the phone and called her back , she picked at the third ring

Hey babe, i said

Bestieee, how far

Fine oo how are you

I'm fine , she said , why don't we go shopping today.

Nice idea , be ready by 2:00 I'll come and pick you up

Ok bye, see ya

Bye , i said and ended the call

I went downstairs to inform mamie, when i bumped into ya khalifa .

Hey god , i said , why can't you watch where you're going.

See this girl wai, I don't even have your time he said and lightly pinched my cheeks then walked away

You are very annoying , i said and went away fuming.

Mamie, i called as i entered her room , where i met her about to enter the bathroom .

Yes dear she said

I will be going out later with sumayya(bestie)

Ok , drop by ammie's (my father's older sister) and greet her she said .

Ok , i said and went back to my room to have a nap.

Beep, beep. I turned off my alarm .

I dressed up and did a little makeup then I went downstairs,mamie, I'll be going , i said after entering her room

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