Start from the beginning

"Love you Markito!"

She gave a light wave before stepping away from the glass.



Hell's kitchen was an outdated nickname for a rough and somewhat dangerous part of Manhattan, depending on unique experiences. It stretched from 37th Street to 57th Street, to where there was nothing but the Hudson river. However nickname was never supposed to be taken literally... until that very night.

Right across from Josie's Bar, was a corpse in a burning car, which caught the eye of several people passing by. And was alarming to those investigating the case: Officer Dewolff, Carter, and Davis.

"Wait till Chief hears about this!"

Those cops had their hands full.

Not that far off, there was a reported disturbance on a rooftop of another building. It kept some residents up during the night. So some went up to see what all the ruckus was about... to disturbingly discovered the corpse of the crime-lord, Hammerhead.

The news spread like wildfire, spreading to the Bugle to Bulletin. Every news site was covering it, with plenty of people tuning in at night. Even Aunt May tuned in, which Peter couldn't help but overhear the constant headline from upstairs.

Then there was Peter, laying on his bed, unable to sleep while he vividly remembered the whole confrontation on that dreaded rooftop. He tried to wrap his head around the fact that his childhood friend, Harry Osborn, had murdered someone right in front of him.

"You know the cops are after us now, right? Right?!"

An unfazed Harry could only shake his head, and remained absolutely speechless. It's like those words went in one ear and left through the other. He even tried walking away and signaled for his glider to come to him.

Till Spidey aggressively shook him, "HARRY, YOU JUST KILLED A GUY!-"

But Harry brushed his hand off like it was nothing, which left Peter in disbelief.

"H-he's a dangerous crime-boss... who wanted to hurt us... that-that-that gotta be self defense," he stammered.

"You know it wasn't self defense, Har-"

"So what was it, then?! Cold-blooded murder! Is that what it was, huh?! That I'm just a crazy madman now... You think I'm just as crazy as my dad," Harry snapped.

"NO! That's not what I'm saying at all. You just made a mistake... I-I get it. I made the same mistake," Spidey softly admitted.

Harry just shook his head, which had Spider-man in disbelief.

"Wait what?"

"For once in my life... I felt like I could shut someone up with little force. You remember how Flash would always stuff us in lockers freshman year? You always took it, unfazed, while I wished every day, I could punch him square in the face"

"Relax man. That- that's the green talking, man"

"No, it isn't Pete!"

"You weren't acting like this before"

"Things change"

There was this look in his eyes that pierced through that mask of his. It's like the mask had become a part of him.

"Plus, why are you mad that he's gone? He's a bad guy. So what, he's dead. He had it coming"

"You don't believe that. We're not supposed to be executioners. That's not okay"