Start from the beginning

"Heh, fair is fair, since I know something about you, you deserve to know something about me," he admitted. So the mystery man introduced himself, "My name is Nick Fury, and I'm the director of SHIELD."

"SHIELD?" Peter asked, as he slowly eased up.

"A government agency"

"That's pretty vague"

"Yeah, cause it's classified, kid"

Peter sat down in his chair and turned to the man.

"Then what do you want? You went through the trouble of tracking me down"

"Just wanted to know why a dead man's tracker would be so active, after all these years. Thought it was a fluke at first... I thought he was actually alive. My heart skipped a beat, thinking about the possibility, of your parents being alive," Fury admitted. "What'd you want to know about them?" he asked.

Peter deeply gulped, before he answered, "I... y'know... want to know what any kid wants to know... is if their parents ever loved their kid?"

It took the snappy Nick Fury a few moments to answer. He had to be careful with his word choice, especially dealing with their son's emotions.

And the best he could come up with was, "They definitely cared about you, Mr. Parker."

"But I wanna hear it from them, Mr. Fury... like a recording, or written message. You have anything like that?"
"I do"

"Then I wanna hear it-"

"It's not with me though. It's back in Headquarters, much with a bunch of their things..."

"Anyway, can I get it?"

"Use this"

"A phone? Thanks, but I already got one," Peter acknowledged, once he pulled out his bulky, cracked phone.

"Your burner phone, young fella," Fury corrected him, once he handed it to the young man.

"Oh... what's a burner phone?"

"My number's the only one in it. Call me once you've decided"

"This stuff... seems very secretive. Bordering on James Bond level"

"Something like that, kid"

"Can you at least, tell me where the place is?"

"Florida?... That seems far"

"Not far enough from your senior retreat"

"You had me bugged too?"

Fury confessed, "Oh, you've no idea, heh."

Once Peter heard that, he frantically checked around his room for anything that wasn't there before.

"That's all I can tell you, kid, till you let me know you're coming"

"If you're gonna go, Mr. Fury, please go through my window," Peter directed. "And take down that trank gun, please! Don't wanna get shot every time I peep out my window," he added.

"Will do, Spider-Man"

"Please keep that between us"
Nick Fury gave him the nod, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared out the window. Peter ran up to his open window, and peered over, assuring that he and his trank gun were gone.

'This wasn't how I expected my night to go. At least I don't have to worry about the trank gun-'


The stressed-out teenager took several deep breaths, stretching out his body, to make him relax, so Aunt May wouldn't suspect a thing. Once he felt just about right, he jotted downstairs and sat his butt at the dinner table. But for five minutes, he kept silent, with his mouth full, the entire time, finishing his lasagna in record time. From across the table, Aunt May took notice of this, especially once he didn't touch the fruit salad she prepared for him.