Killermare angst |Familiar person

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Hello hello and welcome back readers, my apologies for not posting. For like.. weeks? Months?.. idk but enjoy warnings below

Warnings :

A TV was on, showing the multinews about the king of negativy, nightmare. Being missing for 3 days it feels like a century, the multiverse was quiet it didn't seem like anyone cared.

A knife impaled through the TV causing the TV to go static and shatter, Killer gripped his fists, his body twitching with anger as dust and horror stood behind him, sighing deeply.

"There's no use to share information that nightmare is missing, I mean. Who cares about him?"

"Excuse me?",

Killer turned his head to dust, his white pupils piercing into his, killer was clearly annoyed.

Dust pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. He tilted his head up looking back into killers eye-sockets

"What I mean is, who cares about.. us? I mean, the alternate universes of us hates us because we're the 'bad guys' i don't think they care at all. They probably would just want him to die.

" have a point but, isn't it funny? They think we're awful people who don't deserve to live after everything we did, we're skeletons too."

"I won't understand and I never will, let's just focus on getting boss back."

"Let's start with.


Two pairs of hands held together, clinging onto eachother like lovers are supposed to. Only for the view to be shown it was swad and nightmare, walking through the streets searching for a dress for their wedding.

Nightmare looked around, feeling anxious and uncomfortable swad noticed nightmare unusual behaviour as to soothe him up, swad smiled at nightmare softly

Nightmare's eye sockets widened, a cyan blush spreading across his face making it seem like he was flustered and damn well nightmare was. Nightmare smiled back at swad, swad turned his head back to focus on where they are walking as swad approached a wedding dress store.

The bell on the door ding'ed softly, nightmare entered and his eyes focused on the dresses around him, there was black coloured ones, nightmare smiled excitedly.

The monster who runs the shop was a rabbit, she seemed nice and caring.

"What can I get for you?"

Swad approached the owner of the shop and smiled softly at her, greeting her with waving his hand swiftly left and right.

"Im looking for a dress, do you have any in mind?"

"Sure I do!, just wait here and I'll show you the dresses at the back!"

Torturing Love (Swadmare lemon + Killermare angst)Where stories live. Discover now