SwadMare Angst || Tears and Begs

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(This only includes abit of lemon- so be aware)

Tears and Begs


wad teleported to Nightmare and grabbed his wrist firmly "we are going home." Nightmare flinched at swad grabbing his wrist firmly as tears streamed down his cheeks "N-No p-please! I promise I'll be good p-please!" Nightmare begged for forgiveness, as he sniffled and cried in his words, swad gave nightmare a glare, gripping his wrist tighter making nightmare yelp in pain. Both Swad and Nightmare teleported out of the Anti-Void and left without a trace except tears on the ground slowly dissolving and dissapearing,


4 hours later .

Error finally rebooted, and shook his head groaning as he looked around "..wa!t .....SH1T N!GHTM@R3E!" Error yelled realizing Nightmare is nowhere to be seen, error looked around the Anti-Void and gripped his fists as he flung himself in the air with his strings and yelled loudly "N1GHTM#R€!!" error yelled and yelled for minutes but still there was nothing he heard. Only the wind of emptyness is all he felt, error rubbed his head sighing deeply until- "yo." Error turned his head around and saw... Fresh. Error screamed loudly as he flung himself in the air with his strings, glitching in mid-air."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"Fresh raised his eyebrow, as he looked at Error glitching in mid-air "Broski glitched-" Fresh said mockingly as he snickered, fresh then yawned and sat on the ground waiting for error to reboot. After LIkE- 40 yEa- I'm kidding- 10 minutes, Error finally rebooted as sfhook his head looking at Fresh stearnly, fresh lifted his head up and gave error a (idk the word but fresh gave error a '✌️ ' but with his thumb out- idK) "Sup broski" "DON'T 'BROSKI' ME YOU F*CKING PARASITE" fresh's glasses turned into 'RU-DE' words, as fresh sighed. Error grumbled clearly annoyed "Wh@t d0 yOu w@nt @n¥w@ys‽". Error said, as Fresh smiled and stood up with a swift move error slowly lowered himself down to face fresh as fresh's glasses turned to back to normal 'YO-LO' fresh cleared his throat "basically broski, i heard weird noisas from anotha au i didn't rememba the au name but i saw dat unrad octopuss there with a bird" Errors eye sockets widened when Fresh said that, "Y0U M3@N N!GHTM@R€ @ND SW@-@-@D?" fresh nodded as he rubbed the back of his skull "ye, but I saw nightmar- .. nighmare wat eva his name iz, cryin in pain" Fresh shrugged as error grabbed fresh's arms and leaned close towards his face "T3L|_ M€ WH3R€" fresh's glasses turned into 'DU-NO' "I dont rememba broski wher da au iz or da name." "C0M3 0N @TL€@$T TR¥ T0 R3M€MB3R!" Error said, as he gestured fresh's hands up and down waiting impatiently. As fresh hummed scratching his head.

( !!!LEMON AHEAD!!! )

Nightmare cried, gasping sharply struggling to breathe "A-AH!~"

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