ARC EIGHT: Chapter 160: Duplicity

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The summer wind carried the scent of barbecue and gently brushed their cheeks.

Voss looked at the smiling fox sub-orc, and felt as if a feather had brushed against him, itching in his heart, but he didn't know how to get rid of this feeling.

The two looked at each other for a long time before Voss turned his head and said, "the barbecue is going to burn."

"Ah, my barbecue..." Bai Chuansu's attention was diverted as expected. He picked up the barbecue and blew air on the burnt areas on it, as if he could blow the burnt areas back to their original state.

"My barbecue..." Asu was very sad. The barbecue with honey sauce was very easy to burn, so he couldn't eat it now. He still wanted to show off his skills in front of Mozun.

Voss looked at the distressed expressions on the fox tribe's sub-orc's face and felt very amused. "It doesn't matter. You can still eat this piece if you don't want it."

He took the barbecue and tore off the charred piece with his bare hands.

Bai Chuansu quickly grabbed Voss' hand and spread his palm to see, "it's so hot. Does it hurt you..." Orcs can't do this even if they have rough skin and thick flesh.

The snake tribe orc has a low body temperature and has better heat resistance. Although it burned a little, he was fast and didn't get burned, except that his fingers were slightly red.

Just this little bit of popularity opened Voss's eyes again.

He saw the fox sub-orc man once again taking out a small white bottle out of thin air, containing some translucent green plaster.

Bai Chuansu carefully applied the plaster to Voss' fingers, and the cool feeling quickly disappeared from the burning sensation.

Voss snatched the small bottle and said with a bad expression, "don't take out these things in the future. Even if you have them, don't take them, especially in front of outsiders."

Bai Chuansu smiled and said, "but the leader is not an outsider~"

But the leader is not an outsider~

The leader is not an outsider~

Voss was stunned, and then said with a serious expression, "I am an outsider. Except for your future partner, anyone is an outsider to you, including me. You are not allowed to take out these things before you pair up with an orc. Do you understand?"

Voss' tone was very serious. He warned Bai Chuansu sternly, emphasizing over and over again that he would have his own partner in the future, but this partner would not be Voss.

Bai Chuansu felt aggrieved. He lowered his head and refused to agree with Voss's words.

In his mind, Mozun is his partner, the person he loves for all his life, and he only loves Mozun.

Although Mozun doesn't love him now, he doesn't want to pair up with other orcs.

"Answer me, did you listen?" Voss vowed to ask the kitten fox to answer him.

Bai Chuansu didn't know where he got the courage. He had always listened to Mozun and refuted him for the first time, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I just won't take those things from now on. I don't want to be paired up. I will be single all my life."

After saying that, he put the barbecue into Voss' hand, stood up, turned around and ran away.

Voss looked at the background of the fox sub-orc leaving, and all the strength in his body suddenly seemed to be drained.

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