ARC FOUR: Chapter 89: Story by the Waterfall

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There was an emergency at the border, so Lin Shun had to start his journey sooner rather than later.

The sound of horns and drums shook the sky. Lin Shun was dressed in silver armor, riding majestically on a big brown horse, with uniform soldiers behind him.

"Soldiers, let's go." Lin Shun's voice was loud, calm and confident, making people forget that he was only a fifteen-year-old boy with no experience on the battlefield, but he felt inexplicably convinced.

"Let's go -" the deputy general shouted.

Lin Shun took the lead, followed by thousands of troops, and set off towards the northwest.

After walking out of the observation tower area where Emperor Deming saw off his soldiers, the silver-white armor suddenly moved, and a light yellow fox head emerged from Lin Shun's arms.

The kitten fox is small, and it is not too crowded to hide in Lin Shun's armor.

Lin Shun wished that Asu would stay close to him and never be separated.

He held the reins with one hand, held down the protruding little head of the kitten fox with the other hand, and pressed the two fluffy ears to both sides.

The kitten fox's ears were itchy, so much that he wanted to bark twice, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that if the soldiers behind him heard it, Lin Shun's majesty in the army would be reduced.

The touch in the palm of my hand is so good that even the best fox fur shawl in the palace cannot match the touch of the fur on the kitten fox.

Lin Shun was in a good mood after leaving the suffocating palace, especially the place where Emperor Deming, who coveted Asu, was.

It is not that he is incapable of killing Emperor Deming, but his power has not yet fully penetrated into the court. If he kills him now, the court will be in chaos, and the struggle between several princes will also be on the table. He is not afraid of being targeted, but Asu becomes an easy target, and he must ensure Asu's safety.

The kitten fox has lived in the palace for several years. Specifically, he has lived in the Jinxiu Palace for several years. He has never seen the sky outside this world. Now that he has finally come out, he is no different from the ancient world. All the flowers and plants seemed fresh to him.

When they were setting up camp to rest at night, the kitten fox ran to Lin Shun, who was reading the military book, and howled softly.

"Aiyo~" I want to go out and play.

Bai Chuansu felt that his request was too much, but the nature of small animals is destined to be restless in a cage. Once out of the cage, the heart yearning for nature will escape.

Lin Shun put down the military book and carried the kitten fox to the table, "Asu can't stay still?"

It was only the first day out of the palace, and Asu couldn't help but run out. If he really aspired for that position in the future, would Asu just leave him? Lin Shun couldn't help but worry in his heart.

The kitten fox was well-behaved and cute. He used the biggest weapon of a cat fox - acting coquettishly, and rubbed circles under Lin Shun's palm.

"Aiyo~~" I'm just going to play for a while and I'll be back soon.

Lin Shun sighed and stood up.

The little kitten fox thought Lord Mozun was angry and wanted to apologize or something.

Unexpectedly, Lin Shun took off his armor, put on light clothes, and said to the kitten fox, "Come quickly, don't be discovered." The general sneaked away, which was a big deal and might break the morale of the army, but Lin Shun Shun chose this path for the sake of the little kitten fox.

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