ARC ONE: Chapter 13: The Boy and the Fox

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The orphanage can only help minor children. Children over the age of 18 cannot live in the orphanage. Yan Shun had to plan for the future. School is in session from Monday to Friday. If he comes back in the evening and helps the teacher at the welfare home, he can get some extra benefits by gaining goodwill. For example, he will get more meat at meals than other children, and he will have rations for the kitten fox... He goes to work on weekends to make money.

In the evening, Yan Shun sat at the table, looking at the scattered bills of one hundred and dozens of yuan and lost in thought. This alone was not enough. After he turned eighteen, he would move out and couldn't even pay the rent. Let alone raising Asu, he has to find other ways to make some money.

Bai Chuansu doesn't know what his Mozun is worried about. For him, Mozun's life is good now. As long as he can watch the Mozun grow up peacefully, finish reading, find a stable job, get married and have children, grow old and die naturally, and get rid of the destiny that the gods have given to Mozun.

He lazily basked in the sun and felt that the world was beautiful. After getting rid of the fate of multiple worlds, Heaven will no longer be able to absorb the fate of Mozun. At that time, Mozun will slowly remember the past, break through the barrier of three thousand small worlds and return to the Demon Realm.

The white horse passed by, and in the blink of an eye, the half-grown boy grew like a bud. His thin body grew into a height of 1.9 meters. He was tall, handsome, and had an indifferent temperament, winning the hearts of countless girls. It's a pity that the goddesses are interested, but King Xiang* is not. Yan Shun likes to be alone, and it is difficult for boys to get close to him, not to mention dating girls. At this time, Yan Shun was seventeen years old and in his senior year of high school, at the most stressful moment in his life.

On the playground, young teenagers are sweating and using exercise to relieve the pressure of the college entrance examination.

The ball went into the basket with a bang, and the girls in the corridor of the teaching building screamed and shouted.

Under the teaching building, a girl with a ponytail leaned against the wall. Listening to the footsteps getting closer, she mustered up the courage to rush to the visitor and handed over a pink envelope with both hands.

"Classmate Yan Shun, I like you."

The boy stopped and didn't speak for a long time.

The girl was anxious and her heart was beating fast. She quietly raised her head and saw a gentle smile on the lips of the young man wearing glasses. She couldn't help but feel elated. Did she succeed?

Just as the girl was about to speak, she saw a pale yellow figure passing by and jumping into Yan Shun's arms.

"Aiyo~" Lord Mozun, I'm waiting for you in the flower bed~

The kitty fox rubbed Yan Shun's slender fingers, the tip of his  nose twitching, yes, it smelled like chicken drumsticks!

"Asu is so awesome, you can smell it all." Yan Shun raised the corner of his mouth and took out a well-packaged honey chicken drumstick from the gap in the book.

"Aiyo~" Lord Mozun is the best, Asu wants to eat.

The girl watched one person and one fox walking away as if there was no one around. From the beginning to the end, Yan Shun never glanced at her, and her heart was broken.

She looked at the gentle way Yan Shun held the cat, and thought to herself, it's not that the male god doesn't know how to smile, he just doesn't know how to smile at them, as if all his tenderness was given to a cat.

Yan Shun took the kitten and fox to a deserted place, opened the package and handed it to Bai Chuansu. The kitten fox just sniffed and pushed it back with its furry head.

Mozun, you have worked hard on your review, Mozun, eat it~

"Hehehe..." Yan Shun chuckled, bit off half of the chicken leg, and handed it to the kitten fox.

Bai Chuansu was satisfied and gnawed on the half chicken leg left by Lord Mozun.

The afterglow of dusk slanted on them, like a beautiful and warm colorful comic.


*King Xiang; honestly I have no idea what is meant here, here's the raws; 白马过隙,转眼间,当初半大的少年抽芽般成长,瘦弱的身形长成了一米九的个子,高大帅气,气质冷漠,收割了无数女孩子的芳心。可惜神女有意,襄王无心。严舜喜欢独来独往,不说跟女孩子交往,连男生也很难接近他,此时严舜十七岁,高三,正值人生中最紧张的时刻。

[Book 1] Mozun And The Little Milk Fox Are Overly Pampered [BL/QT/edited MTL]Where stories live. Discover now