ARC SIX: Chapter 132: Storm is coming

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Ever since the name Xuanshuang Sect appeared in the world, the world couldn't be calm for a moment.

After the martial arts conference ended, the martial artists in the arena dispersed, thinking that everything would return to peace. There are some people who are so greedy that they want to rob other sects. And there are more than one or two people ambushing them.

The more chaotic the world is, the happier the emperor in the palace will be.

"Well done, if there is more chaos, it will be worse if the internal fighting will seriously injure them before they are willing to submit to the imperial court." The emperor's cotton cloth was ferocious. Not only did the skin diseases on his body not heal, but the symptoms became more and more serious. The secret guards came back with news that can be regarded as a good thing among many bad things.

In the palace, the imperial concubine was disfigured and could not be seen. The rights in the harem fell into the hands of other concubines. The imperial concubine had offended many people in the past few years. There was no concubine in the harem who did not hate her. Now she has lost her beauty, the emperor did not favor her, and even gave the phoenix seal to other concubines. What does that mean? It means that the imperial concubine has fallen out of favor.

The king of the neighboring country came to ask for her soon. We can't let a concubine with a disfigured appearance receive the female relatives of the neighboring country.

The most indispensable thing in the harem is people who support the superior and suppress the inferior. The imperial concubine loses her power and her material level plummets.

She sat in the Jinxiu Palace, looking at herself with a terrifying face in the bronze mirror. Not to mention that the emperor didn't like to look at her, even she felt sick when she saw her own face.

"The emperor's love is the most illusory, huh~" the imperial concubine sneered, and at the same time she felt very pathetic.

She knew that the emperor was the most unreliable person in the world, so why did she still have expectations?

She poured out her heart and soul to serve the emperor and make suggestions, but in exchange she was banned from the Splendid Palace and bullied by her minions.

"Empress, you have to cheer up. For the sake of the fifth prince, you can't give up." The confidant maid advised.

"Yes, I can't lose. I haven't lost yet. If I fall, what will you do?" Strong hatred suddenly burst out in the eyes of the imperial concubine. The fifth prince is still young, only ten years old. If she falls, Well, how good can a prince be without his mother and concubine? The emperor would not care about him, and the other concubines wished they had one less rival for the throne.

"Bring 'Xi Yan'." After thinking for a long time, the imperial concubine suddenly spoke up, startling her confidants.

"Empress, are you sure?" Xi Yan is a secret medicine from the previous dynasty that can expel toxins from a woman's body and restore her appearance to seventeen or eighteen years old. However, the cost is huge. It will shorten a person's lifespan. To put it simply, people's life force is exchanged for youth. When the life force is exhausted, the person will suffer and die.

"I'm sure, bring it." The imperial concubine said calmly.


Soon, the confidant maid put "Xi Yan" in the hands of the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine looked at herself in the bronze mirror and said, "Appearances are fleeting and all are empty. If you have overwhelming power, who would dare to make irresponsible remarks against me."

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