ARC FIVE: Chapter 117: Susu is kidnapped

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 Dr. Li came and went in a hurry.

Ning Shun fell silent, and Bai Chuansu walked up to him, "Lord Mozun, what's wrong?"

Ning Shun looked at the quiet and beautiful young man and touched his face, "Does Susu like the apocalypse?"

Bai Chuansu shook his head, "I don't like it."

Why doesn't he like it? Because the end of the world is full of dangers and the moral system has collapsed. It's completely based on who is more capable and more capable. In fact, this is nothing. What worries Bai Chuansu the most is that those who harm Mozun rely on their own supernatural abilities to deceive, suppress, and persecute Mozun. Therefore, if there are restrictions, those people will no longer act recklessly. At least like before the end of the world, if anything happens, he can still protect Mozun from disaster.

The baby's cry came from the ward, followed by Father Bai's voice coaxing the child, "Be good, don't cry, dad will find you milk to drink..."

Ning Shun seemed to have made a decision. He raised his lips slightly and said, "Dr. Li came over just now and wanted me to study the zombie serum with him."

Bai Chuansu smiled and said, "Master Mozun, you can go if you want. I will take care of myself and not hold you back."

Bai Chuansu has always been based on the mood of Mozun. No matter what decision he makes, Bai Chuansu will support him unconditionally and will assist him if he is able.

Although he was the one who unleashed the apocalypse, he has no regrets. If it hadn't been for this, perhaps Asu still wouldn't be able to wake up.

But in order to give the boy a beautiful and stable future, the end of the apocalypse is inevitable.

"Okay, I won't stay in the institute day and night. I will come back to eat and sleep with you at night."

Ning Shun's pronunciation of the word 'sleep' was slightly heavier, which made the kitten fox boy blush again and again.

Bai Chuansu nodded, "Yeah~" which was acquiescing to Ning Shun to do whatever he wanted at night.

Ning Shun came to the research institute and agreed to Dr. Li's request, and asked him to have free time, that is to say, his movements cannot be restricted whether it is day or night.

It was not a big deal, and Dr. Li readily agreed.

He had a hunch that as long as Ning Shun joined the research team, the end of the apocalypse would not be far away.

Ning Shun is no stranger to the energy in meteorites. Every evolved person, whether a superpower who has successfully evolved or a zombie who has failed to evolve, will have this energy medium in his body to some extent. It's just that the zombie's body It's just more. Therefore, as long as the injuries to the superpowers are not endangering the vital organs, ordinary scratches from zombies will not be infected and assimilated into zombies.

Ning Shun went outside the city to capture a few zombies alive and came back to do research, extract media, and analyze... His schedule was fixed every day, he would go to the research institute to work at ten o'clock, and go home on time at five o'clock in the afternoon.

With one more person in the house, the atmosphere is much more lively, and the baby's cry can often be heard.

In particular, whenever Ning Shun comes home, he sees Bai Chuansu teasing the baby. Once Bai Chuansu leaves the baby and greets Ning Shun, the baby doesn't give any face to anyone and just cries. Crying hard, only Bai Chuansu can comfort him.

Everyone laughed and said, Bai Chuansu and the baby are very close, and the baby only loves his brother.

After several times in a row, Ning Shun's patience was finally exhausted by the baby.

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