"This is poetry. She means who you are deep down inside. She wants to get to know you, Marinette! She's talking about you!" She felt a rush of happiness, but she still wasn't sure that she was thinking of her. Still, she imagined it was true and sighed dreamily. "Oh, pinch me if it's true."

Tikki, not understanding this, took it literally and pinched the girl. "Ouch! Not literally!" The kwami ​​chuckled slightly.


Coming out of the school, Alya and Marinette heard that Kim would like to ask someone to be her Valentine. They and Max supported him, and then, encouraged by this, the boy went to the person. The blue haired then decided to tell Y/N how she felt, but in a Valentine's Day card. The two were happy and then went to the bakery.

Away from them, a group of boys and girls were looking at a billboard with Y/N ​​on it. Then Chloé and Sabrina walked up to them.

"Keep dreaming all you want boys and girls. But the girl is mine!" She clicked and then Sabrina showed them the poster. They gasped when they saw the ad image on the poster and a signature in the corner. "To Chloé, the most awesome girl in the world and the love of my life. Signed by Y/N?" The group gasped in disbelief.


The two girls were now in the bakery while Marinette was trying to write her love poem.

"Dear Y/N. Dear Y/N. Dear Y/N." she sighed and scribbled over the text. "Ugh, I'm no good at this love letter writing thing. I sound like a total dark asaurus." she said, then put her head down on the table in frustration.

"Only when you say words like dark asaurus." Tikki said as Marinette turned her back to the table. "Relax, Marinette. I'm teasing. Think of Y/N and speak from the heart." The girl smiled at her and then glanced at the paper that the Agreste girl had written. Then an idea occurred to her.

"Y/N's letter! That's it! Why didn't I think of that before? I'll answer her poem." she explained, but then she heard Alya say her name. "Marinette! Check it out!" The brunette walked up the stairs and showed her a heart shaped card. She smiled at that.

"It's perfect! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She took it, then put it on the table and took a pen in her hand. She began to think and then began to write. Alya watched her carefully from behind her. After a while she finished writing and then spoke with satisfaction. "Voila!"

"Don't forget to sign it!" Alya said, then a ladybug flew onto the card. "This is a good omen. Ladybugs are good luck. Especially in the love department." she teased and then walked away. "Really?"

"Yeah, you of all people should talk about ladybugs." she said while she was looking at something on her phone. "Uh really? Why do you say that?" she worried. "Since ancient times the ladybug has been a symbol of love guiding hearts on a path of devotion. It was on my blog this week. You read it, didn't you?"

"Uh, yeah yeah, of course." she turned back to her desk and sighed in relief.


At Agreste Castle, Y/N was watching Ladyblog on the computer.

"So she's got eyes, arms, legs. Big deal. How can you possibly be in love with Ladybug? You don't even know who she really is." Plagg said as he hovered in front of the computer with a cheese in hand.

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