☬ Mrs. Loki ☬

Start from the beginning

After the meeting, as you were leaving the room, Loki came up to you and whispered in your ear, "You know I will always put you first, don't you?" You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, grateful for his constant support and unconditional love.

You stepped away for a moment to say goodbye to Pepper, and Thor took the opportunity to talk to his brother. He had noticed something different about him too, and it wasn't just because of your company. Something had changed, he could feel his whole essence different, much more thoughtful than he thought him capable of.

"You're trying to make up for something, aren't you?" He feared that Loki had done something thoughtless and was trying to charm his girlfriend before confessing his misdeed. "Drop the soap already."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he would have been more offended, but Thor wasn't the first to imply something like that. Stark didn't mince words.

"Please, this is too much, even for you," the blond folded his arms. "Don't play with my friend's feelings. You hit the jackpot by getting her to fall in love with you."

"You think I don't know that? I don't know why everyone sees me being nice to her and assumes the worst."

"It's just that you're trying so hard it's weird. Besides, I've been watching you and you've been so nervous lately. You seem to be hiding something."

Thor was right. The god of mischief was hiding something, and if he hadn't told you, it was because he was indeed terrified of how you would react. He didn't want to make a misstep and lose you forever. He didn't want to do anything to jeopardise the perfect honeymoon phase you'd been having lately. But something inside him was driving him to want more, no matter how hard he fought to appease his feelings.

Finally, Loki let out a long sigh before raising his gaze to you, looking at you for a few seconds before redirecting his attention to his brother, determined to confess his secret.

"You're right, I've been doing my best to put her in a good mood, there's something I want to tell her."

"What did you do now? Did you kill again? Did you steal some S.H.I.E.L.D. artefact?"

"I'm offended that you think so little of me at this point," he rolled his eyes. "I want to take Y/N to Asgard to meet Mother."

Thor's expression froze for a full minute, his eyes wide, his eyebrows raised, his lips quivering. Then he burst into a laugh of happiness and hugged his brother.

"I didn't think your relationship was that serious," he admitted. He knew they had a great time together, but he hadn't imagined that Loki would want to take such a big step. He had taken his time thinking about it before asking Jane.

"I know no one thinks I can keep her for long. I'm actually surprised I've come this far," he licked his lips, his emerald eyes fixed on your distracted smile, unaware of what they were talking about behind your back. "But I have never been as happy as I am with her. I'm going to keep trying until she agrees to spend the rest of her life with me."

"Wait, Loki, you're not implying...?"

"Yes," he smiled, "I want her to meet Mother so I can ask her blessing to marry her. "

Discreetly, he pulled a ring from the bottom of his trench coat pocket and held it out to Thor, who had no trouble seeing the huge, glittering diamond he had chosen for you. Since no avenger paid such a thing as rent, water, or practically any kind of service, he had been able to save all the money he had been paid for his missions to spend entirely on you. You were that dream that came true every day.

"What better time than the present, brother," Thor encouraged him, "Her flat will be disabled for the rest of the day, she's going to need a place to spend the night. She won't be thrilled at the idea of going to our house knowing she'll have to share it with me, so why not? Go meet Mother, and you should introduce her to our father as well."

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