Chapter 12 - Stony Savior

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As they all go to see what all the commotion is about, a bunch of Beedrills appear and start chasing them. "Ah, c'mon!", Ruki states, "We gotta split, now!". Hayami and Tomo then agree and they all head toward the source of the clashing lights. Once they get closer, they run into a large ball of gray smoke, followed by a bunch of yellow and purple lights. "What is going on???", Hayami cries, "What's happening?". Tomo replies with, "I think someone, or something, is having a battle-". "That just gives us more reason to get Kishi and get out of here", Ruki claims. Little do they know, they're about to find out what's causing all the smoke.

Once they enter the smoke, they all see what has been causing the yellow and purple lights. They then see Kishi and FIRECRACKER battling against Pikachu and a horde of Beedrill. Ruki then calls his name, catching his attention in the process. This ends up catching Kishi off guard, "Yo! When did y'all get here???". However, before anyone could respond, a Beedrill comes out of nowhere and attempts to surprise attack him and FIRECRACKER. Luckily, Tomo sends out Zenirtle to defend them. "Whoa!", Kishi states, "That was close! Thanks!". Tomo welcomes him and asks, "Where have you been??? When we woke up, you weren't there!". "Yea!", Hayami states as well, "We thought you got hurt!". And right before Kishi can reply once again, he quickly gets attacked by Pikachu. "PIKA! PIKACHU! (HEY! FOCUS!)", Pikachu states, "PIKACHU PIKA PI (I'VE GOT AN ISSUE WITH YOU NOW)". "Well... if you wanna know why I was missing", Kishi states as he points at Pikachu, "Your answer is right here". This then confuses everyone.

"Why are you worried about this... electrical rodent?", Hayami asked him, "Did you forget it attacked Pallet Town???". Kishi replies with, "Yea, but do y'all ever wonder why people, nor Pokemon, do things?". "No but I wonder how we're supposed to get out of here", Ruki states, "Considering we're surrounded after all". Kishi then chuckles saying, "Well, you're in luck my friend! I've got some new members", as he sends out 3 new Pokemon, Weedle, Kakuna, and Beedrill. "Ok, 3 questions", Ruki questions, "1. Aren't you scared of Bug-Type Pokemon?, 2. What are THEY supposed to do?? 3. When did you catch these guys???". "I dont think thats all of our worries right now Ruki-", Tomo states, "But we better work together fast to get out of here". Ruki and Hayami then send out Obliterate and ButterPsy to help as well.

"Pika Pikachu! (Just because you have some new members, doesn't mean I'll let you keep them!)", Pikachu states, "PIKA PIKACHU! (BEEDRILLS ATTACK!)". The horde of Beedrills then begin to swarm the group as Kishi decides to tell his new Pokemon to use STRING SHOT against all of them. Naturally, this causes all the Pokemon to get caught in a bunch of sticky webs. However, the Beedrill use their sharp needles to rip straight through the webs. "That's not good!", Tomo states as he sends out Zenirtle, "Use BUBBLE!". "Ok, I'm really starting to get irritated at this Pikachu...", Ruki replies they also send out Obliterate, "Lizzie, use GUST! Obliterate, use KARATE CHOP!". Everyone then keeps on fighting back and forth until they get tired, however Pikachu and the Beedrill surround the group, not backing down whatsoever. "Pika Pikachu... Chu Pika! (You guys have been a pain in my side for a while... that ends now!)", Pikachu states as it quickly hits Kishi in the stomach with a QUICK ATTACK. Pikachu then continues attacking Kishi and the rest of the group and as it was about to do more damage to them, a bunch of rocks come hurling at the mouse Pokemon. As everyone looks at where the rocks came from, a giant Pokemon can be seen with a voice saying, "Now this is interesting... A Pikachu leading a group of wild Beedrill to attack some random trainers".

The person then jumps off a large Pokemon and begins walking over towards the group. "Are you guys ok?", the person asks, "Your injuries aren't too serious right?". As they all reply with a no, Ruki states that the guy looks familiar to them, to which the person replied with, "You might know me as the Pewter City Gym Leader! My name's Brock, The Rock-Solid Pokemon Trainer!". As a moment of silence occurs, Kishi, Tomo, and Hayami all shout, "YOU'RE THE GYM LEADER???". Brock then responds with, "Yes, but we'll discuss that after we get you guys out of here! Onix! Use ROCK TOMB!". The giant Pokemon then summons a large amount of rocks and begins to throw them at the Beedrill and Pikachu. This makes the Beedrill run away, but like the stubborn Pokemon it is, Pikachu won't go down without a fight. It then begins to fight back by using DOUBLE KICK to kick the rocks away as Onix counters back by throwing more rocks. As this is happening, Ruki pulls out their Pokedex on Onix. The Pokedex states, <Onix. The Rock Snake Pokemon. A Rock/Ground-Type. As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black. It burrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by Digletts>. "Impressive right?", Brock states, "Onix has been my #1 ace in my gym battles, even if we do get beaten, it will always be my partner! Onix, use BIND on its legs!!". Onix then wraps its body around Pikachu, making it unable to move, and as a last resort, Pikachu used THUNDERSHOCK. Unfortunately, Onix is part Ground-Type, so the move was useless and Pikachu gets tired and faints.

"Well, that was easy!", Brock states, "Now, why was that Pikachu and horde of Beedrill attacking you?". Tomo replies with, "Well... it's a long story...", as he proceeds to tell Brock what had happened in Pallet Town. "Yea, it was a whole mess, would've been worse if Prof. Oak didn't arrive and stopped the Pokemon", Kishi states. Brock then replies with, "Ok, well it's obvious you guys need some training if you let a bunch of Beedrill trap you, but I wanna test your guys power first". "Ok 1st of all, ouch...", Ruki states, "2nd of all, how would you test our power???". Brock then gives them an offer, if they go to his gym to train, and beat him in battle, then he will give them a gym badge. And without hesitation, Kishi, Ruki, and Tomo instantly shout, "YES!!!". "It's settled then, I'll take you guys under my wing and train you all for our gym battle", Brock states as he climbs on Onix, "Now... grab your Pokemon and climb on!". Everyone then returns their Pokemon to their Pokeballs and climbs on top of Onix as it heads towards Pewter City.

I wonder what training Brock is gonna have the group do, find out next time on Pokemon: Adventures Await!!!

Early line from Chapter 13: "COME ON! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?", Brock shouts.

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