Chapter 10 - Creepy Crawly Forest

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As the gang finishes resting and heads off to Viridian Forest, Kishi starts getting a bad vibe before they enter it. "I don't know why guys...", he states, "But this place is giving me some bad vibes...". "Oh man up Kishi", Hayami states, "I bet you the Pokemon in this forest are cute and adorable". "Nah, Kishi has a point guys...", Ruki also states, "I ran through here to get KUMO to the Lab. Remember our condition???". "It can't be that bad... Right?", Hayami state. "Well, we'll never get passed here unless we go through this forest-?", Tomo states as he enters Viridian Forest. "Tomo! Wait!...", Ruki calls, "I thought he was the brains of this group-". Kishi replies with, "Welp, he does have a good point, there's no other way around...unfortunately", as he enters after Tomo. "Man... we're really gonna end up with some trouble", Ruki claims, "Right Hayami?... Hayami?". Apparently when Ruki was talking, Hayami slipped into the forest as well. "UHHHGGG!!!", Ruki states frustrated, "WHY DON'T Y'ALL LISTEN!!!", as they enter the forest along with everyone else.

Once everyone was in Viridian Forest, Ruki explicitly asks if there's any other way around it. Tomo takes out his map and states, "Nope! The only way to the next town is through here- It should be easy!". Ruki then signs and agrees that they should go through the forest as well. They start heading forwards and end up seeing multiple paths. "Hm... There are 3 paths-", Kishi states, "1 of them lead to one area so we should split up!". "Well if that's the case- I'm going with Tomo!", Hayami replies. "Then I'm going with Ruki! This'll be fun!... as long as there's no Bug-Types-", Kishi replies. As they all go their separate ways, Kishi and Ruki go left, as Tomo and Hayami go right.

As Kishi and Ruki go right, they run into a bunch of sticky web-like substances. "Ew...", Kishi disgustedly states, "What the heck did I step in???". "It seems like some kind of web-", Ruki replied. Kishi then gets a horrified place and asks, "Bugs!? In this place!??? Where???". Ruki tries to reassure him that there isn't, until a bunch of Pokemon start jumping out towards them. "Ok... Maybe I lied...", Ruki exclaims, "Welp- I guess I gotta do this again... BRING IT ON!! GO LIZZIE!!". "OH HECK NAH!! I AIN'T GETTING ATTACKED EITHER!", Kishi screams, "GO FIRECRACKER!". As both of the Pokemon were sent out, a battle commenced.

Meanwhile, Hayami and Tomo are finding some pretty good things. Tomo found a Pokeball and Hayami found... a nest full of sleeping Pokemon... "Oh... That's not good-", Hayami states, "I wonder what kind of Pokemon these are-". As Hayami pulled out her PokeDex, Tomo tried to make her stop, but it was too late. <Caterpie. The Worm Pokemon, A Bug--Type. Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls>. "Ok and how about the other 2?", Hayami questions. <Metapod and Butterfree. The Cocoon and Butterfly Pokemon, A Bug--Type and the evolved and final evolved form of Caterpie. Metapods are vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing their weak and tender body. Butterfrees flap their wings at high speed during battle to release highly toxic dust in the air>. "Uh- Hayami...", Tomo quietly states. "Yea?", Hayami replies back. "You might wanna put that PokeDex away and look behind you-", Tomo replies as he points behind Hayami. As she turns around, it appears that the Caterpie, Metapod, and the Butterfree have woken up from their nest. As Hayami and Tomo begin to escape, they're blocked by a whole wall of Metapod. "Welp-", Tomo states, "There's only 1 way out of here... GO ZENIRTLE!!!".

Back to Kishi and Ruki, they've handled themselves very nicely against the Pokemon. "Y'know...", Ruki states, "I wonder what Pokemon these were-". "These were the Weedle evolutionary line, Weedle, Kakuna, and Beedrill", Kishi replies, "Often found in forest and grasslands. Weedle has a sharp, toxic barb of sound 2 inches on the top of its head... Kakuna are in a temporary stage while making their body. They're almost completely unable to move on their own. And Beedrill... as cool as it may seem, don't mess with it unless you're prepared. Beedrill appears in a swarm. They also fly at violent speeds, all the while stabbing with the toxic stinger on its rear". After a moment of silence, Ruki then asks, "And how do you know this???". For which Kishi replies with, "One of my parents got stabbed by one before when they were around our age, he had a stab wound in his side after the impact. Now can you get me out of here FIRECRACKER?... FIRECRACKER?".

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