Chapter 8 - 1st Catch

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As the gang leaves Prof. Oak's lab, they set out toward the end of Pallet Town, and into Route 1. "Welp... I can't believe this is happening guys...", Tomo states. "A ton of adventures that await us in the future begin here!", Kishi replies, "Now let's stop standing here, AND LET'S GET MOVING!!!", he says as he begins to run off. "AY DONT LEAVE WITHOUT US DUDE!!!", Ruki yells, "WAIT FOR US KI- WHOA!!!". As Ruki begins to follow Kishi, they trip over something, "What the heck was that!?", they state. Everyone looks near where Ruki has fallen and it appears to be a Pokemon. "OH SNAP! IT'S A PIDGEY!!!", Hayami shouts, "WHAT IF IT'S THE ONE THAT WAS WITH THAT PIKACHU!? I DON'T WANT MY HAIR RUINED!". "I highly doubt your hair is gonna be messy Hayami-", Tomo states, "But I also think this is a different Pidgey too...". "Wait- Y'all met a Pikachu?- When!?", Ruki asks as they get up. "Well explain after-", Kishi states, "But more importantly, is this thing dead or asleep?". As they all look at it, the Pidgey then wakes up. 

"Pidg- Pidgey? (Huh- What?)", Pidgey states as it begins to wake up, "P-PIDGEY PIDGE!? (WHO ARE YOU!?)". As it begins to panic at the sight of 4 Pokemon Trainers surrounding it, Ruki begins to pick it up. "Huh- What are you doing on the ground?-", Ruki questions, "Do you not have a home?". Ruki then pulls out their PokeDex for more info on Pidgey. <Pidgey. The Tiny Bird Pokemon, A Normal/Flying--Type. A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand>. Kishi then asks, "Well why isn't it in Viridian Forest??? This is an open Route-". "I don't know...", Ruki replied, "But what I do know is that I'm gonna catch this lil' guy...girl?". "Pidgey Pidge! Pigey Pidge Pidge!!!- (Hold on! I still gotta get back to my family!!!)", Pidgey replied. "It said it needs to get back to its family!", Tomo states. "Oh really?-", Ruki replies, "Wait, you can talk to Pokemon!?". And just like Kishi, Tomo said he'll explain it later. After all of that, Ruki sets Pidgey on the ground and asks Pidgey where its family is. As Pidgey speaks, Kishi and Tomo translate it. It appears that Pidgey's family keeps on leaving it behind, and it doesn't know why. The gang then all look at each other with worrying faces and decide to help the poor Pokemon out.

As Ruki sets Pidgey on their shoulder, a search begins as Ruki checks the sky, Hayami checks the trees, and Kishi and Tomo look through the tall grass. So far they had no luck. They tried even harder to find Pidgey's family, and this time they had a clue. "Guys! I found something!", Ruki claims as they point in the sky. Tomo wonders what it was while Hayami found it beautiful. As Ruki grabs it, it seems like it was a feather, but it's not any old feather, a Pidgeot feather. "There ain't no way!", Kishi stated with excitement, "A Pidgeot feather! Those things are said to be beautiful and glossy!". "It's so pretty...", Hayami says as she snatches the feather from Ruki, "Who knew an ugly Pokemon was capable of making feathers like these...". Ruki tells them to both focus on what their main focus was, but more feathers keep on falling and distracting Kishi and Hayami. "Where are these even coming from???", Tomo questions. They all look up in the sky to find a Pidgeot and Pidgeotto fighting each other. The 2 Pokemon were arguing with each other. "Huh- Is that your family Pidgey?", Ruki asks. As Pidgey watches its family fighting, it flies up there, by itself to figure out why they are fighting. 

However, at the sight of Pidgey, the Pidgeot and Pidgeotto immediately attempt to blow Pidgey away with its wings. "That was WHIRLWIND!!!", Tomo states. Pidgey tries to fight through it, however, it ends up getting blown into a tree. "PIDGEY!", Ruki states as they run toward the Pokemon, "Are you ok!? What the heck is wrong with you guys!? Aren't you the family to this Pidgey!?". The Pidgeotto and Pidgeot then begin to taunt Pidgey for having Ruki care for it. Kishi then states, "Their saying that this Pidgey was always too dumb and naive to understand why they left it so much. They think it's very weak and they've been trying...TO GET RID OF PIDGEY FROM THEIR HOME!? THAT'S MESSED UP-". "Pidgeot Pidge Pidgeot Pid Geot Pid Geot Geot Pidge! (Yea, that's why we faked the argument you saw us have, we knew you would come to find us after we left, so we needed a way to trick you into thinking we were fighting.)", Pidgeot replied as it and Pidgeotto flew away. "P-Pidgey- Pidgey Pidge!!! (B-But- We're a family!!!)", Pidgey cried.

But then as they were flying, Ruki, being EXTREMELY UPSET about what they did to Pidgey, states, "What you did to this Pokemon is very unforgivable. This Pidgey didn't even do anything wrong to you and you treAT IT LIKE THIS!? THAT. IS. UNFORGIVABLE!!!", as they grabbed a nearby tree, and with all their strength, threw the tree at the Pidgeot and Pidgeotto, making them crash into the ground. This then makes Hayami, Tomo, and Kishi's skin turn cold. "Oh...", Kishi states with a concerned face, "Remind me not to make them upset-". "Noted", Hayami and Tomo replied. Ruki then turned to Pidgey, who was upset about its family not wanting it, "Hey, you don't have to cry about them. They don't deserve you! You need a better family...". "P-Pidgey? Pidgey Pidge?... (R-Really? Who would want me?...)", Pidgey replied. "How about you come with us? If no one wants you, I will!", Ruki replied, "Now what do ya say? Wanna join my team?". After a few moments of thinking, Pidgey decided to stay with Ruki. Ruki's eyes then brighten up with delight, and they promise they will make sure that they take care of Pidgey. Ruki then grabs a Pokeball from their bag and places it in front of Pidgey, Pidgey then touches it and enters the Pokeball, "'re gonna need a nickname- How about... Lizzie?". The Pokeball then glows green. Ruki has caught their 1st Pokemon. Ruki's PokeDex then chimes, <Pidgey has been registered to your PokeDex>. "Whoa! Congrats Ruki! You caught your 1st Pokemon!", Kishi states. "Well...", Ruki replied, "Actually, this isn't the 1st time I've owned a Pokemon. I had one when I was in my home region". "Hey, the same thing with me as well", Tomo stated. "Me too!", Hayami replied. "Well, 1st Pokemon or not, I'm going to take care of Lizzie...", Ruki stated confidently.

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