Special Chapter - Kishi's Birthday!!!

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As the gang continues their way to Viridian City, they decide to take a break for the time being. "Hey! I have an idea!", Kishi states, "How about we race toward Viridian city?". Tomo replies, "Why would you want to do that TODAY of all days? Did you forget what day it was?". "What do you mean Tomo?", Ruki questions, "And where's Hayami?". Hayami then appears at the entrance of Route 1 holding some sort of box. "I'm right over here!", she calls as she brings the box over to everyone else, "Anyways, Congrats Kishi!". With very confused faces, Kishi and Ruki ask what the special occasion was. "Wait, he forgot!?", Hayami asks surprisingly, "Dude how could you forget, YOUR BIRTHDAY!?". Ruki then states, "WAIT, TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY!?", while shaking him, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?". After they were done, Kishi states, "I have no intention of doing anything about my birthday as I had a party on my birthday for the past few years and I want to chill this time". "Oh please", Hayami states, "This is the 1st time we're able to do anything for your birthday, so quit being a pushover, and let's get started". Kishi finally as he, Tomo, and Ruki release FIRECRACKER, Zenirtle, KUMO, and Lizzie from their Pokeballs.

"Alright everyone!", Ruki states, "Today is Kishi's birthday, so let's have some fun!!!". Everyone then cheers, but unlike everyone else's cheers, FIRECRACKER was more than overjoyed to hear it was its trainer's birthday. "We will each play 2 games, and the winner gets to uh... uhhh... what do we win exactly?", Hayami asked. "Well...", Tomo replies, "We could have the winner be the one to get most of the cake that I'm making, along with Kishi of course". Kishi then looks at Tomo with a very disappointed face. Kishi then states, "Tomo, you've known me for a while now- And I know I did say I didn't want a party, but if the Pokemon win, I will make them my own custom Pokeball, and if you all win, then the cake thing is what we'll do". Hayami excitedly states, "Great! It's decided! Now here are the games we're gonna play: 1st wear gonna play hide and seek, then we're gonna play a little game called Twister!".

-Game 1: Hide and Seek!

Hayami goes on to explain how to play Hide and Seek, the basic rules, and such. "Now who will be the seekers... who... who... who...?", she states, "How about Ruki aaaaand...... Kishi! Everyone else, go hide!". "Well, this isn't new! Ready Kishi?~", Ruki stated. "I'm looking forward to working with you again Ruki~", Kishi replied. They both count to 20 as everyone goes to hide. After everyone hides and Ruki and Kishi finish counting, they go to look for them. Meanwhile, in the bushes, the people that were following the gang are watching as they celebrate Kishi's birthday. "So it appears that today is one of the kids' birthdays... how interesting", the female voice states. The male voice replies, "Not gonna lie, I feel like the boss would praise us if we took their Pokemon". The female voice agrees as they plan on watching the gang until it is time for them to strike. Back to Ruki and Kishi, they both found KUMO and FIRECRACKER in the tall grass, and Hayami in between the trees. As they keep searching they end up finding Tomo up in a tree, along with Lizzie. "Alright!", Tomo states, "Time for game 2! TWISTER!!!".

-Game 2: Twister!

Hayami and Tomo bring out a giant mat with colorful dots on it. "This is how you play Twister", Tomo states, "1st, The referee spins the spinner, then calls out the body part and the color that the arrow points to. For example, the referee may call out: "Right hand, red." All players, at the same time, must then try to follow the referee's directions as explained below. Each player must try to place the called-out body part on a vacant circle of the called-out color. For [example, if the referee calls out "Right hand, red," each player must try to place a right hand on any vacant red circle". Hayami continues with, "If your called-out hand or foot is already on a circle of the called-out color, you must try to move it to another circle of the same color. There can never be more than one hand or foot on any one circle. If two or more players reach for the same circle, the referee must decide which player got there first. The other player(s) must find another vacant circle of the same color". "OH!", Kishi states, "So that means, never remove your hand or foot from a circle unless you're directed to by the referee after a spin. Unless you lift a hand or foot to allow another hand or foot to pass by, as long as you announce it to the referee beforehand and replace it on its circle immediately afterward!". Ruki then replies with, "And if all 6 circles of a color are already covered, the referee must spin again until a different color can be called out!".

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