Chapter 6 - A Little Package

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After celebrating and bragging about their victory, Ruki discovers that Kishi wasn't there for half of the battle. "Wait- WHERE KISHI!?", they questioned, "THIS DUMMY MISSED WHAT MIGHT BE MY BIGGEST VICTORY YET ;o;". "I think he went to grab something from the house-", Tomo claimed. "Or maybe he left to go do something for Prof. Oak???", Hayami stated, "I overheard the conversation they had in the lab. Sometimes Kishi's mouth is just too loud". Prof. Oak then comes back outside and states to everyone that he sent Kishi to go get his package from the Pokemon Mart in Viridian City in exchange for a few Pokemon Cards. This then sets Ruki, Hayami, and Tomo in a panic since Kishi is the only one that has never been outside of Pallet Town.

Fortunately for Kishi, the Professor has given him a map of the entire Kanto Region, (even though Route 1 isn't that big), so he wouldn't get lost. "Alrighty FIRECRACKER, according to this map, the Viridian City PokeMart should be this building", Kishi states as he enters the PokeCenter. Once he enters he immediately looks very confused since this isn't what he thought the PokeMart looked like after his friends described it to him. "Huh- This doesn't fit the description my friends told me-", he states confusingly. "Charmander Char Charm- Mander Char- (That's cause this is the PokeCenter- The PokeMart is the blue building-)", FIRECRACKER explained. "Oh-", Kishi replied, "This is why I need to go out more- Well since we're here, why don't we explore a bit?". FIRECRACKER happily agreed.

"Oh hello there!", Nurse Joy stated, "Who may you be? You seem new here!". Kishi then gets startled by the sight of Nurse Joy. "Oh uh- Hello-? And uh- Yea I'm new to this town-", he nervously states. "Oh how exciting!", Nurse Joy says excitedly, "We love seeing new people come here! My name's Nurse Joy. But people call me Viridian Joy or V.J for short-". Kishi then snickers a little bit, thinking to himself, -V.J? That sounds like something else!-. "Charmander Charm- Mander! Charmander Char! (I don't know why you're laughing- But introduce yourself! She's very nice!)", FIRECRACKER states. "Oh right- Uh- My name's Kishi! I-I'm from Pallet Town!", Kishi replied to Viridian Joy. And from hearing the name "Kishi", Viridian Joy knew exactly who this was. "OH! SO YOUR KISHI THAT THOSE 3 TOLD ME ABOUT!", she states excitedly. This made both Kishi and FIRECRACKER very confused.

Viridian Joy then explains that Ruki, Tomo, and Hayami sometimes come to the PokeCenter to get packages and chat with her. "I don't understand why they don't just bring you along or get their packages at the PokeMart-", she states. Kishi replies with, "Well- I mostly like to stay home and run around the town most of the time- I'm not the most social one when it comes to people...". "Charmander Chaaarrm~ (But you are with meeee~)", FIRECRACKER jokingly states. Viridian Joy then gives a quick explanation to Kishi about what the PokeCenter does. "This is a place where trainers all over Kanto can come and heal their Pokemon", she explains, "This is also a place where people can stay the night if they are from far away, and there is even a machine to store your Pokemon". "Oh nice!", Kishi replied, "But uh- Quick question- Where is the PokeMart???". Viridian Joy replies with, "Oh the PokeMart! It's the blue building that's behind us", as she gives Kishi a picture of the PokeMart. "Charmander! Char (See! That's the PokeMart!)", FIRECRACKER states. "Ah I see! Thanks Viridian Joy!", Kishi states excitedly as he rushes out the door with FIRECRACKER, "See ya later!!!", he says as he waves bye. Viridian Joy waves back replying, "Bye! And please call me V.J! Ah... He's an energetic one".

Once Kishi heads toward the PokeMart, he then realizes that it's getting dark and the wind is getting chilly. "Uh oh- You good their FIRECRACKER?", he worryingly states. FIRECRACKER starts shivering and without a second thought, Kishi places FIRECRACKER in his hair. "How's that buddy? Are you warm in there?", Kishi stated. "Charmander Charm... (So warm...)", FIRECRACKER calmly replies as it starts to fall asleep. Kishi then enters the PokeMart and starts looking around the place. As he was looking around, the clerk at the center asked if he was looking for something. Kishi nervously replies with, "O-Oh I'm uh- Looking for a package for uh- Professor Samuel Oak-". "Oh! Ya looking for this?", the clerk says as he places the package on the counter. "Oh! Yes! That's exactly what I need! Thank you Mr- Uh- What's your name?-". Kishi states confusingly. "My name's John, Clerk John if you will. And what's ya name kid?", Clerk John states. "My name is Kishi, and I ain't no kid", Kishi replied, "I'll have you know I'm old enough to be a Pokemon Trainer thank you very much-". Clerk John laughs and states, "So that's why ya have a Charmander in ya head", and hands over the package, "Anyways tell Prof. Oak that I said hi for me will ya?". Kishi then promises to tell the Professor that Clerk John said hello, tells Clerk John thanks and goodbye, and zips through the PokeMart and scurries to the Lab.

Back at the house, Ruki, Hayami, and Tomo start worrying about Kishi, hoping he is ok. "Why didn't we stop him?-", Tomo stated. "WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE LEFT-", Ruki shouted, "HE COULD AT LEAST LEFT A NOTE TELLING US WHERE HE WAS GOING!!!". "And not only that, FIRECRACKER is with him too", Hayami states, "What if they're both hurt!?". As they continue to panic, Kishi busts through the door stating, "Guess who's baaaaaack! So what did I miss??? Who won the last battle???". After a moment of silence, Ruki, Hayami, and Tomo jumped toward Kishi, relieved that he was ok. "Huh-", Kishi states confusingly, "This is new- What happened? Did you guys miss me?~". "Dude how long did it take just to grab one package!? What happened!? We thought you and FIRECRACKER got hurt!!!", Hayami explained. And with a sudden realization, Kishi asked, "So you guys thought me and FIRECRACKER got hurt- Also what time is it-". "It's 8:30 pm Kishi-", Tomo replied. "So you guys panicked because I was only gone for 30 minutes?", Kishi states, "Also, WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME OR FOLLOW ME IF YOU GUYS WERE WORRIED!? YOU ALL HAVE MY NUMBER!!". "Oh yeah- Good point", Ruki stated, "What was even in the package, and what did you get in return?". Kishi tells them that he didn't know and then shows them what the professor got him. "It's a binder to put my Pokemon Cards in! Isn't it great! It can hold up to 200 Cards!", Kishi says excitedly. 

"Wait-", Tomo questioned Kishi, "You did that, ALL FOR A BINDER FOR YOUR POKEMON CARDS!?". Kishi replies with, "Tomo- you saw me make an entire store run out of Pokemon cards back in my home region-, why are you so surprised???". "He makes a decent point Tomo-", Ruki and Hayami both state. "Now if you all don't mind, I'm going to organize my cards in this PokeBinder!", Kishi states as he heads to his room. "Welp, I'm heading to my room too since I still gotta design those clothes for tomorrow!", Hayami states as she heads to her room. "Well since y'all are gonna do that- I'm gonna go play some video games", Ruki states as she rushes to their room. -Am I really the only one that is going to sleep??? Oh well-, Tomo thinks to himself as he heads to his room. And as they all head into their room they all think to themselves, -Today has been a long day!-.

Pokemon: Adventure Awaits - Kantoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें