Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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The Kanto Region. The very first region to discover weird and mysterious creatures. We call these strange creatures, Pocket Monsters or "Pokemon" for short. These creatures are kept in the wild, where they can live in their natural habitats. Though for some people, they like to use Pokemon as partners or even pets. Some people like battling other people, aka Pokemon Trainers, to see which of their Pokemon are stronger. And other people.....we don't talk about those other people. Regardless, people and Pokemon get along most of the time. And this group of Pokemon Trainers managed to save multiple regions and people from those "other people". I introduce Pokemon Trainers Hayami, Tomo, Ruki, and Kishi. The Beauty, the Brains, and the Brawn. These 4 traveled to many regions, met a lot of old friends, made new rivals, and saved the lives of many people and Pokemon in the process. "But how did they do it?" some of you may be asking, well...let me tell you the story of how their adventures even began from the start.

It was the morning in a little place named "Pallet Town". But something was wrong. The place was infested with a swarm of Rattata and Pidgey, being led by 1 Pikachu. The Pokemon kept on breaking into people's houses and stealing their food. This interrupted Kishi's sleep, Tomo's work, and Hayami...well Hayami just didn't want "ugly" Pokemon in the house, ruining any projects she was working on. She's like those Beauty Trainers. Anyways, the 3 Trainers go outside to find a way to stop this madness from continuing.

"ALRIGHT LOOK HERE!", Kishi yelled in a very upsetting tone, "I HAVEN'T SLEPT FOR 2 DAYS STRAIGHT AND ALL THIS RACKET IS GETTING ON MY NERVES YA HEAR!?". Then, Tomo chimes in saying, "Yea, and I can't even get my research done, and all these infestations and stuff are distracting". And finally, Hayami states, "Yall are much uglier up close....". This grabs all the Pokemon's attention. All of them BUT Pikachu. As Pikachu is about to walk into more houses to steal more food, Kishi runs, dodging all of the Rattatas' and Pidgeys' attacks. With him dodging everything, Kishi runs to the door, and blocks the entrance, leaving Pikachu to try to run past him, but is blocked by him again. It tries to run past him again. And fails. After a few more tries, however, it decides to attack him, using THUNDERSHOCK in the process.

Meanwhile, Tomo and Hayami, 2 are busy luring the Pokemon back to Route 1, where they came from. Tomo makes the job easier by carrying the Pokemon back. Hayami does too...after running to the house to get some gloves. The only problem is that the Pokemon only listens to Pikachu. And as they run back to Kishi to tell him the Rattatas and Pidgeys only listen to Pikachu, they see him get shocked multiple times by Pikachu's THUNDERSHOCK. "s0...Is tH@T all u g0t?", Kishi is trying to speak but is struggling from the paralysis he got after the 14th THUNDERSHOCK. "Yo bro...Are you ok?-", Tomo asked as he worried about his friend. "Y3a! iM f!n3! Iv3 h@d W0r$e hapP3n tO m3", Kishi claimed. As Pikachu still tries to get Kishi out of his way, Kishi then yells, "Br0 w#y @rE yOu ev3n tRy!n& t0 st3al 0uR fOoD!?".

"PIKA PIKACHU PIKA PI KAKA PIKACHU!!! (WELL IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU HUMANS ALWAYS TREAT US WILD POKEMON LIKE GARBAGE!!!)", Pikachu then replied with tears in its eyes, "Pika Pikachu Pi Pika Pi, Pikachu Pi Kaka, Chu Pikachu... (The last time I was with a human, she told me I was useless, destroyed my Pokeball, and then left me...)". "Well....that's very rude-", Tomo states. Hayami then questions Tomo with, "Wait- You speak Pokemon?". Kishi then states, "B@ck wh3rE We l1v3, they had a P0k3m()n $ch0ol wh!ch t@u&ht u$ h0w to sp3@k P0k3mon, buT th@t'$ b3side the p0i^t-". Tomo then translates what Pikachu said to Kishi and Hayami.

"That messed up! Even for me!", Kishi states, "Who would do such a thing...". "Pika Pikachu...(You humans, that's who...)", Pikachu states, "Pika Pikachu Ka Chu Pika...(But that won't matter anymore...) Pika Pikachu Pi Kachu Pi, Pika Ka Chu (Once me and my crew take all of the food in Pallet Town, you humans won't have to break anymore Pokemons' hearts anymore)". Pikachu then makes a malicious laugh as the Rattatas and Pidgeys start forming an attack line behind him. "Well... this is unfortunate...", Hayami states.

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