Chapter 4 - New Friends

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The next day, Tomo's and Hayami's alarms both went off so they could get prepared to start heading to the Professor's Lab. Kishi however... still hasn't woken up from his alarm. "I mean in his defense", Tomo states, "He did say he didn't get sleep for 2 days". Hayami replies, "Yea, but we need him to wake up so we can go to the Professor's Lab. Did Ruki say they were coming?". Tomo then explains to Hayami that Ruki seems to be busy and doesn't give an actual answer. After that, Hayami wakes up Kishi by using a spray bottle on him. "And I swear if you make another bad joke", she states. Luckily, Kishi was too surprised by the spray bottle to say anything. After they all got changed and grabbed some clothes for Ruki if they made it to the Lab, they all headed out to see Prof. Oak once again.

 Meanwhile, with Ruki, they're busy trying to defend themselves against Pikachu and the Pokemon in Viridian Forest. And by defend, I mean they grabbed every Pokemon that tried to attack them and threw them at Pikachu. "I don't know why you all are attacking me... But I really need to get out of here... So if you won't get out of my way... I'LL MAKE YOU!!!", Ruki states as they grab Bulbasaur and run past the pile of Pokemon. Once they make it out of Viridian Forest, they start heading to the Pokemon Center in Viridian City. "Don't worry little one, you're safe now", they state to the injured Bulbasaur. Once they enter the PokeCenter, they immediately start ringing the bell that alerts Nurse Joy. "C'mon c'mon c'mon!!!", they panic, "Where is she!?".

 Finally, Nurse Joy arrived. "Oh! Ruki!", she states, "What brings you here?". Ruki then just stares at her and says, "I feel like it's pretty obvious Viridian Joy...". Embarrassed, Nurse Joy states, "Oh right! My apologies... So who do you have with you?". Ruki states that they found an injured Bulbasaur in Pewter City in the corner of the museum. "Some people threw rocks on it because it wasn't very social with them... The poor thing must be shy", they state as they hand Bulbasaur over to Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy then quickly inspects the injured Pokemon for any infected bruises. "Well, it seems like it's still in good shape, but it should refrain from walking for a few days. Do you know if it belongs to someone?", she asks. Ruki headshakes with a no. "Hmmm...", Nurse Joy states, "I think I know who this Bulbasaur belongs to...". Ruki replies, "Really? Who does it belong to?".

 "Thank you all for arriving!", Prof. Oak states, "Unfortunately I only have 2 surprises for you all... I don't know what happened to the 1st one. But you 4 will... Wait, where's Ruki?". "Well...", Tomo responds, "They might be on their way but I don't know-". Prof. Oak then states that he needed all 4 of them for his help. Kishi then asks, "What do you need ALL 4 of us for anyways?". "Yea I'm pretty sure you're only gonna need AT LEAST 2 of us", Hayami claims. The Professor finally decides to come clean and explain everything, "Well, ever since I've stopped being a Pokemon Trainer, I've had very little time to have fun with the newest Pokemon I've caught. And after hearing your guys' goals, I've decided to help you by giving you your own Pokemon. However, one of those Pokemon went out on its own and I have no idea where it was. That's why I was away for so long...". 

After a moment of silence, Kishi finally states, "And WHY didn't you ask us sooner??? We would have been VERY grateful for your help! You don't know how much I was itching to start this adventure with Tomo, Hayami, and Ruki!". "Exactly!", Hayami states as well, "I may be only going with them to look for cute Pokemon, but I would love to cheer for them as they battle, even though I don't like battling...". "We really would appreciate the suggestion if you told us earlier Professor", Tomo states, "But we gotta find that other Pokemon! Which ones were you gonna give us anyways?". Prof. Oak then sends out the 2 Pokemon that he has left. The Pokemon that came out was the Charmander that he used earlier and a Squirtle. "These 2 were for Kishi and Tomo, I had a Bulbasaur for Ruki but I'm still looking for it...". Kishi asks where the one for Hayami is and Hayami replies, "They're cute but not my kind of cute".

As everyone was about to go and search for the Bulbasaur, a very tired Ruki busts down the door, yelling, "I'M HERE! I MADE IT!!!", with a very healthy Bulbasaur in their hands. "YO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?", Kishi states, "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU RAN THE PARTNER MILE!". "Well", Ruki replied, "I was at the Museum in Pewter City right? I went upstairs, and in the corner, I saw 2 people throwing rocks at this poor Bulbasaur!", and then they described what the 2 people looked like, "One of them had green hair and the other one had blue hair!". "Wow, that's more than just messed up...", Tomo states. "Wait- Is that-", Prof. Oak stated, "BULBASAUR!!!". Bulbasaur then jumped out of Ruki's hands and into Prof. Oaks' arms. Both Charmander and Squirtle go to hug it as well. "CHARMANDER CHAR! (THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE BACK!)", Charmander states. "squirtle squirt (we're glad you're ok)", Squirtle whispered. "Well then", Kishi states, "That problem is fixed". "Yes indeed!", Prof. Oak replied, "Now then you 3, I have something good to tell you all...". Prof. Oak then explains everything to the 3 starters.

"BULBASAUR! (WAIT WHAT!?)", Bulbasaur states with a grateful look on its face, "BULBA B-BULBASAUR!? (SO W-WE CAN FINALLY GO OUT AND BATTLE!?)". "CHARMANDER CHAR! (THAT'S FANTASTIC!)", Charmander claimed with excitement, "CHARMANDER CHAR CHAR! (WE CAN TEST HOW STRONG WE ARE NOW!)". "squirt (yay)", Squirtle claimed, "squirt squirtle squirt squirt? (so who are our new trainers gonna be?)". The Professor chuckles and says, "It will be those 4 over there!", and points to Kishi, Tomo, Ruki, and Hayami. The Professor tells each starter who their trainer is gonna be and Bulbasaur immediately jumps into Ruki's arms and states, "Bulba Bulbasaur Bulba! (Thanks for saving me from those mean people!)". "Oh! I think Bulbasaur likes me!", Ruki claims. "Not surprised since you saved it from 2 mean people", Kishi states, "By the way, how did you know what Pokemon to give us Prof. Oak?".

"Well Kishi", the Professor stated, "I knew how much you liked reptile-like Pokemon, so I already knew which one I was gonna give you, Charmander!". Charmander then ran over toward the fluffy-haired boy and started climbing on his shoulder. "Charmander, Char! (I like this trainer, his hair reminds me of a certain Pokemon!", it states as it starts playing with Kishi's hair. "I gave Squirtle to Tomo because they both have similar traits, they're not as wild as everyone else around them, and their very quiet when really focused on something", Prof. Oak stated. 

"BULBASAUR! (WAIT WHAT!?)", Bulbasaur states with a grateful look on its face, "BULBA B-BULBASAUR!? (SO W-WE CAN FINALLY GO OUT AND BATTLE!?)". "CHARMANDER CHAR! (THAT'S FANTASTIC!)", Charmander claimed with excitement, "CHARMANDER CHAR CHAR! (WE CAN TEST HOW STRONG WE ARE NOW!)". "squirt (yay)", Squirtle claimed, "squirt squirtle squirt squirt? (so who are our new trainers gonna be?)". The Professor chuckles and says, "It will be those 4 over there!", and points to Kishi, Tomo, Ruki, and Hayami. The Professor tells each starter who their trainer is gonna be and Bulbasaur immediately jumps into Ruki's arms and states, "Bulba Bulbasaur Bulba! (Thanks for saving me from those mean people!)". "Oh! I think Bulbasaur likes me!", Ruki claims. "Not surprised since you saved it from 2 mean people", Kishi states, "By the way, how did you know what Pokemon to give us Prof. Oak?".

"Well Kishi", the Professor stated, "I knew how much you liked reptile-like Pokemon, so I already knew which one I was gonna give you, Charmander!". Charmander then ran over toward the fluffy-haired boy and started climbing on his shoulder. "Charmander, Char! (I like this trainer, his hair reminds me of a Voltorb!", it states as it starts playing with Kishi's hair. "I gave Squirtle to Tomo because they both have similar traits, they're not as wild as everyone else around them, and they're very quiet when really focused on something", Prof. Oak stated. Tomo then picks up his new Squirtle and states, "You and I will become the champions together!". "squirtle! (agreed!)", Squirtle states as it begins to fall asleep. "And finally", the Professor states, "The reason why I gave Bulbasaur to Ruki is that they're too reckless, and since this Bulbasaur is very gentle, it's ready to prevent any bad thing from happening to Ruki. And for Hayami's starter, it's one of the cutest Pokemon in all of Kanto since that's probably what they would choose if it was a starter". Hayami smiles and says, "You really know what we like huh Professor? Anyways when is that cute Pokemon being delivered to me??? I don't think I can wait to see it anymore!!". Prof. Oak tells Hayami to wait until they get to Route 3. Kishi, Tomo, and Ruki then began thinking of some nicknames for their new friends. Kishi called his Charmander: FIRECRACKER. Tomo calls his Squirtle: Zenirtle. And Ruki calls their Bulbasaur: KUMO.

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