9. The katha of the Kauravas

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Dyuti- Soon after the marriage of Maharaj Dhritarashtra and Maharani Gandhari , she became pregnant. It was after maharaj Pandu , Maharani Madri and Kunti went to the Van.

It had been 2 years since the pregnancy of Maharani Gandhari. People were tensed due to the elongated pregnancy. In the Van Pandu got to know the boon of Kunti and he asked her to summon the God of death , Yamraj.

The news had made Dhritarashtra furious and he spent a night with Sugandha , the maid of Maharani Gandhari. Maharani Gandhari was furious and she hit her womb which caused her to go into labour.

When she delivered a pound of flesh , Mahamuni Ved Vyasa came and said a women can't birth 100 kids at a time. That's when he divided the pound of flesh into 100 equal parts.

Before he started the process , Maharani Gandhari told him about her wish of having a daughter. That's when the pound of flesh was divided into 101 parts.

7 days later the weather was stormy , that when were born the 2 princes of Hastinapur Gandhari Nandan Duryodhan and Kuntiputra Bheemsen. One was the boon of Dev Adi Dev Mahadev and the other was the boon of Vayudev.

The people tried to process what they heard. Duryodhan and Bheem were born on the same day during the same weather.

Drau- Meaning Arya Bheem and Duryodhan were born in the same circumstances?
Kri- Yes Sakhi , also if you see it in our way. It was Bheem who use to hit the Kauravas including Dushala when they were young. None of the elders said anything to him , but when Duryodhan hit Bheem all the kuru elders lashed out at him.

Duryodhan and the Kauravas were derived from love. Whenever they wanted to play with Gangaputra or Vidur both were busy with their duties. But when the Pandavas came they use to leave their work and play with them. That was the reason that drifted the Kauravas from the Pandavas.

The prediction of Vidur was biased towards the Pandavas. He claimed that they were the boons of gods but he forgot that the Kauravas are the boons of Mahadev.

I have heard people say that the Kauravas just follow Duryodhan but if you see , the Pandavas do as told by Yudhishthir. When Yudhishthir asked them to follow dharma in dyut they didn't save your honour.

All let the information sink and then they said.

Bhanu- Fine we all will return to Hastinapur and will make sure to get our loved ones of the right path.
Lman- Yes mata we will also make sure to expose the terrible things of the kuru elders.
De- We will also go to the Van Vasudev.

Soon Karna and his family left from there that's when Yaudheya the son of Yudhishthir asked.

Yau- Kakashree , why does Ayodhya raj Karna have hatred towards my father. His eyes becomes red when ever he mentions his name.

Krishna signed and said.

Kri- Long before the kuru kids left for their education , Karna had a brother named Shon. Once during the event of Basant panchami , Shon recited the verses of the Gayathri mantra.

He being a suta the Brahmins were infuriated at that. They dragged a 7 year old Shon to the court of Hastinapur. As Karna and his parents begged mercy for his life.

Bhishma had given the duty to punish Shon to Yudhishthir who was 8 years old at that time. Yudhishthir said that there should be melted gold poured in the mouth of Shon.

But according to the Vedas , a person under the age of 12 should not be considered guilty. Also the fact that the decision was given to Yudhishthir who was also a child back then.

While the Kauravas protested against that as well , but they were shut as they were considered as bad omens.  That's when Karna lost his brother.

Even if the war would have taken place Karna would be neutral as he wouldn't send one any from the side of Ayodhya to the Pandavas camp.

All were shocked while Devika , Draupadi , Yaudheya and Prativindhya were disgusted at Yudhishthir. That's when Krishna pointed towards Eklavya.

Kri- He is Eklavya the victim of Arjun's jealousy. Arjun couldn't see anyone better then him and he became envious when Eklavya had used the shabhadh Bedi Astra.

That resulted in Drona asking his thumb as guru dakshina. Soon after Eklavya met Karna , Karna used the Sanjeevini mantra which he could use only once to regrow the thumb of Eklavya.

All understood why Karna was known for his generosity in Aryavrat. That's when they all bid goodbyes and started to go to their destinations.

Author's note:-

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