8. The Plan

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Kri- I'll call Sakhi in Dwarka soon. Me , Rukmini and dau will get her to  Ayodhya as we don't want Mayavati to know about the plan.
Dyuti- I'll call Uttar also in Ayodhya.
???- Can I also join in the planning?

All of them turned around to see Bhanumati , the wife of Duryodhan. Krishna smiled and agreed to her wish.

Bhanu- All the 100 wives including me will be with you all. This shall stop , 98 of the 100 wives have returned home while me , Chandramukhi and Indumati are still in Hastinapur. I'll get all the others and we'll will help you.
Karna- Okay bhanu but be careful of Gandharraj.
Bhanu- Don't worry bhrata we will be careful.

Krishna then went to Kampilya and got Draupadi. That's when he saw that the other wife's of the Pandavas were also there. As he told them the plan , they as well as their sons wished to join them to which Krishna agreed.

Same thing happened in Hastinapur as all the Kauravas kids joint them. A letter was sent from both Kampilya and Hastinapur to Ayodhya.

Soon both the sides reached together and surprisingly the kids of Kauravas and Pandavas had no ill will towards each other.

They all gathered in the grand Sabha of Ayodhya were they met Eklavya , Subhadra , Dyuti , Vrishsena , Aaryaman , Uttara and Uttar.

Kri- So let's start with the discussion , what shall be the plan from now?
Karna- Hastinapur has warriors like Gangaputra , Bharadwaj Putra , Chiranjeevi kripacharya , Buddhiman Vidur , Baalshali Dhritraashtra , Buddhiman Shakuni and 106 maharathi's , Kauravas , Pandavas and Yuyutsu. If all their strength and knowledge is put in the right place instead being against each other , the dynamics of aryavart will change.

Krishna nodded in agreement as he had tried doing that multiple times but the Kauravas were only behind Shakuni.

Karenu- But the root of the problem is neither the Pandavas nor the Kauravas its Shakuni. How will we get him out of Hastinapur Samrat Karna?

That's when Dyuti got up and she said.

Dyuti- For all the problem is Gandhar raj , but the actual problem for this cause is mahamahim Gangaputra Bhishma.

This had shocked all of them minus Krishna , Balram and Karna. Both the wife's of Kauravas and Pandavas said.

Indu- Pitamaha is not the problem putri , he has always been kind to us.
Drau- Yes rajkumari , pitamaha has always been there for me.
Dyuti- Let's assume what you got said are right. Rajkumari Indumati , Do you know about how maharani Gandhari married maharaj Dhritraashtra?
Indu- No Rajkumari.
Dyuti- And Yajyaseni did mahamahim who has always been there for you stood up in the Sabha of Dyut?

Draupadi looked down and realised that Bhishma had chosen to stay silent. That's when Dyuti continue.

Dyuti- Long back after the death of Maharaj Vichitravirya it was time to further the kul. That's when the news of Maharani Gandhari having a boon to have 100 children from Mahadev was spread.

Satyavati who was handling the kingdom ordered Gangaputra to go to Gandhar and ask the hand of maharani Gandhari. Bhishma took the entire army and asked for an alliance.

Maharani Gandhari wanted to talk to Bhishma regarding her mangalik vivah but was shut by Bhishma. Maharani Gandhari reluctantly agreed to the marriage and married maharaj Dhritraashtra.

When kulguru saw her kundali , her truth was revealed. Gandhari said that she tried stating it but was shut by Bhishma. But Bhishma in his anger attacked Gandhar and imprisoned all the 100 brothers of Gandhari and Gandhar raj Subala.

To brutalise them , all were given 1 grain of rice to eat. They knew that they wouldn't survive on that one grain. Hence , they gave it to the youngest and the most cunning prince who could avenge their insult , Shakuni.

As the days passed all the princes minus Shakuni died. As Gandhar raj Subala was to die , he as his last wish asked for Shakuni to survive. Which was granted by Maharaj Dhritarashtra.

The nice Shakuni became evil because of Bhishma and he vowed to finish the kuruvansh.

After doing the last rights of Raja Subala , Shakuni with his ashes and bone made his infamous dice. The same dice that was the reason of angisuta's insult , the same dice that listened to the commands of Shakuni and the same dice that is now the reason of war like situation between the Kauravas and the Pandavas.

Everyone looked stunned hearing about what the Gandhar royals had to go through. Some where the people found new respect for Shakuni.

Draupadi also looked shocked as she understood how the dyut was planned. While the respect for Bhishma had hit the rock bottom in their hearts.

Maya- But bhrata Yudhishthir had broken the dice of Shakuni during the play? Then how did that become the cause?
Kri- Behena , it's a magical dice when Dushashan went to throw those dice and get new ones. As he exited the Sabha the dice rejoined it self.

Draupadi then got up and said.

Drau- Sakha I don't wish for the revenge all I want is justice for myself.
Kri- Sakhi don't worry you'll get you justice.

Krishna looked at Karna and in his mind he said *So will you jyeshth Kunti Putra. Even though you'll be remembered as Radheya Karna you'll have bonding with your siblings*.

Kri- All the Kauravas wife's and the sons of Kauravas I wish for you to feed good things in the minds of your fathers / husbands. While the other wifes of Pandavas i.e. Devika , Hidimba , Valandhara , Ulupi , Chitrangada , Mayavati , Karenumati and Vijaya you go to vanvas and fix the things there.
Sakhi you get the hate for Drona out of your father while Ashwatthama you get the hate out for Drupad from your father.
Bhanu- I am not going back to that evil palace of Hastinapur.
Kri- It's time for another story for you all to hear about. Dyuti you know what I am talking about right?

Dyuti smiled and nodded then she started to tell the story of the Kauravas and their birth.

TO BE CONTINUED __________________________
Author's note:-

How's the chapter?

The story about Bhishma and Gandhar thing is 90% what I have read while something's have been altered in it.

How's the story telling?

Will the plan work?

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