4. Leaving Anga & Guru dakshina

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Karna and Dyuti along with Vrushali and Vrishsena got to know about the happenings of dyut sabha. All were livid by the outcome and the 3 tried to convince Karna to break his support with Hastinapur but Karna denied because it was Duryodhan who helped him when all laughed at him.

That's when Bhagwan Parshuram entered the room. He was well aware of the outcome of Dyut and wanted his student to be away from the evil politicals. That's why he had come in Anga to stop Karna from going to the Dyut Sabha.

For him the student of Karna , Dyuti made it easy as she spoke her feelings with her guru.

Parshu- Karna , they are telling you the truth. Leave the side of Hastinapur and live in peace.
Karna- But gurudev ...
Parshu- No buts or ifs , I as my guru dakshina as you to win a kingdom I choose but you'll have to give up the kingdom of anga.

Karna was in dilemma but his guru came before Duryodhan. But still Karna had doubts so he said.

Karna- But gurudev I am in debt of Duryodhan.
Parshu- Do a Digvijay Yatra for Hastinapur and give Hastinapur all the Digvijay and clear your debt towards Hastinapur and Duryodhan.

That's when Karna smiled as he knew that his guru was right. Then Dyuti said.

Dyuti- Gurudev What is my guru dakshina?
Karna- Putri when I trained with Gurudev , I met many revered sages who helped me gain knowledge. Hence , I as my guru dakshina want you to serve Brahmins and learn from them.
Dyuti- Ji gurudev , but shall I go back to Matsya before the guru dakshina or after?

Karna was going to say something but that's when he was cut by a spy.

Spy- Maharaj there is a news from Matsya.
Karna- What is it?
Spy- Maharani Sudeshna has given birth to twins. They have named them Uttar and Uttara.

Dyuti became happy and said.

Dyuti- Gurudev I will give guru dakshina first as I don't want the negative energy of Mama Keechak to affect my siblings.

Dyuti then turned to Bhagwan Parshuram and asked.

Dyuti- Bhagwan can I start by serving you?
Parshu- Sure putri you can.
Karna- Putra Vrishsena I want you to disguise yourself and save innocent people of aryavart with your knowledge.

The next day with Bhagwan Parshuram the Yuvraj crowning of Vrishsena was done. Then Karna went to Hastinapur and Dyuti went to Mahendragiri Parvat with Bhagwan Parshuram.

In Hastinapur ,
Karna went to the chamber of Gandhari and told her everything about his decision.

Gan- Putra I am happy that you have decided to do so. If the war takes place none know about the outcome of the war.

Soon Karna after taking the blessings of Gandhari went to the chamber of Duryodhan. There he saw that Shakuni was also present.

Dury- Mitra you here?

Duryodhan went to hug Karna but Karna stopped him in between and said.

Karna- Don't call me Mitra Yuvraj Duryodhan. Women are people who are birth givers , the women leave there own family and adjust in the family of her husband regardless of the negativity , women are always looked down , when a husband dies a women is expected to perform Sati while when a women dies the man is expected to move on. Remember my words oh Yuvraj of Hastinapur! One who doesn't respect women had only one thing in future , DEATH!

After taking a pause Karna said.

Karna- I hereby renounce the throne that makes me feel like I'm sitting on thorns. I am getting rid of the burden of being the king of Anga and a Allie of yours.

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