Chapter 2: Laser light canon

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"You two need to stay here and rest!"Jeaena yells to make it clear. "Ok! Ok!" Jayden and Ayden both exclaims. "But Jeaena I have a guitar lesson with Greg." The boy tells the girl. "Who cares, you have to rest." Jeaena says disagreeing. "Fine I'll just go to sleep." Ayden says. "I guess I'll do it too." Jayden says agreeing with the other boy. "Have a nice sleep than." Jeaena says.

A few hours later

"*Snore* *snore* *snore*." Both of the boys are sleeping. "WHAT IS THAT!!!" Someone from outside yells. "Ah! *cough* *cough*." Ayden wakes up from the ruckus, and grabs his crutches. He slowly goes down the stairs with the crutches in hand, after he gets to the bottom he puts the crutches on, and starts going to the door.

"What happened?!" Ayden asked after he opened the door. "Ayden!? What are you doing out of your bed?!" Jeaena yells. "I woke up from the ruckus." The boy said. "We might as well tell him Jeaena." James says. "Fine, Ayden come down here, and be careful with the stairs, they're not fully finished." The girl tells the boy. Ayden listens to Jeaena and meet them on the beach.

"So what am I looking at?" Ayden asks. James then points at the telescope. Ayden then looks in the telescope and sees a red eyeball in the sky coming at them. "What is that!" The boy yells. "That what we said!" Aron speaks up. "What should we do about it? It seems like it's going to crash into Earth." Ayden asks. "We don't know! We thought you can use that boomerang from your gem." Jeaena says worried of what's going to happen soon. "I don't even know how bring it out." Ayden says also worried. "Well what else is there to do!?" James says just as worried as them. " Maybe Mr. Universe can help?" Aron cimes in. "What is he going to do?" James asks. "Oh yeah, when me and Aron went to help clean his garage, I found this canon looking thing. Maybe that can help." Ayden replies to James's question. "Well, you two get going and find that canon. Me and James will check the process of that red eye thing." Jeaena says acting as the leader while Jayden is sleeping.

A few minutes later

"Greg! Greg! Greg!" Both Ayden and Aron starts banging on the van. This ruckus ends up waking up Mr. Universe. "Whose there! I have a waffle pan, and I'm not afraid to use it!" The adult male says with a little dizziness from just waking up.

"Mr. Universe we need your help!" Ayden yells. "Goofballs, what do you need help with?" Greg asks. "There's no time to explain, just take us to your garage!" Aron yells to speed the process up. "Ok! Ok! Your the boss." Greg says a little nervous.

A few minutes later

"Why do you need crutches?" Greg asks. "A giant centipede." Ayden replies. "Umm ok?" Greg says confused. "So why do need to go into my garage?" Greg asks while opening the garage door. "It's something in your garage that we need, a pink canon." Ayden says. "A pink canon? Oh! You're talking about that canon Rose gave me." Greg says remembering the canon. "Your girlfriend gave you that canon!" Ayden says surprised. "Hey guys I've found something that help us." Aron says, while bringing out some cords.

A minute later

"Ok Aron, are you ready to save the world, from a giant red eyeball?" Ayden asks in a commender like voice, to Aron who is wearing some cords around his waist, and a flashlight on the top of his head which is tied by a shirt, and a walkie-talkie in his hand. "Yes sir!" Aron says playing along with Ayden. "Than go! Go!" Ayden than points towards the hole of all the junk in the garage, and Aron goes into it.

Walkie-talkie: "Ok Solider what do you see." Ayden says over the walkie-talkie. "I see junk sir." Aron says while talking into the walkie-talkie. "What! I think I found it sir!" Aron says crawling faster to what he thinks is the canon, takes offs a shirt on top of it, but sadly it was just drums. "Really you found it! Bring it in!" Ayden says in excitement. "Never mind, it was just a drum.... Sorry." Aron says disappointed. "It's fine, like I always say "If every porch chop where perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs." Greg says on the walkie-talkie trying to cheer up Aron. "Thanks Greg." After Aron said that, he saw a pink light, and started crawling towards the light. As he crawled around the corner he sees the pink canon. "Guys, I actually found the canon!" Aron says with happiness. "Really, bring it in!" Ayden says very happy. "Ok sir!" Aron says in the walkie-talkie.

Aron picks up the canon easily, and starts crawling to the exit. "Woah, for a kid so small you can lift." Greg says, after seeing Aron come out carrying the canon with ease. "Yeah, we always wonder why, anyways we go save the world bye!" Ayden says as both Aron and Ayden run to the beach. "That eye is starting to get really big Ayden." Aron says nervous. "Well we have to hurry than." Ayden says also nervous.

A few minutes later

"We're back!" Ayden yells as he feels the gravitational force of the red eyeball. "You guys got the canon!" Jeaena yells because of the impending doom. "Yeah we did!" Aron says while slamming the canon on the sand. "How do we turn it on!?" James yells. "I don't know!" Ayden says. "You didn't asks!" James says. "We where short on time!" Ayden yells. "Uhhh activate, start, go, yip yip." Ayden says very nervous. "There's no point, we're all going to die." Jeaena says sadly. "You're right, but maybe civilization will restart?" James says also sad. "Like Greg says "If every porch chop where perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs." After Aron says that, the canon starts to glow, and the top of the canon starts to turn into a rose bud.

"Woah!" Ayden says. After Ayden said that, the canon top slams onto the sand, and looks like it's going to fire. "Pick it up! Pick it up!" James yells, and Aron picks it up, but it's not correctly aimed at the red eyeball. But than James, Ayden, and Jeaena start helping Aron correctly aim it, and it fires. The beam starts to turn into a woman and *BOOM!!* The red eyeball explodes into pieces.

"Could things get any weirder?" James says.

A few hours later

"*YWAN.*" Jayden seems to be waking up. "Looks like someone woke up." James said snarky. "How long was I out?" Jayden asks. "Very long." James replies. "What are you doing?" Jayden asks another question. "I woke up from a glow, and the on the ground here started to glow, but it stoped." James said. Jayden walks towards where James is, and sees a crack. "Hey James, I se—." Suddenly a beam comes up from the gem, and the two boys disappear.

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