chapter 7: breakfast is served

Start from the beginning

I'm pretty sure he even left a bruise on my neck and stomach. I knew that I always bruised easily but damnnn, he left a massive one on my stomach. I like to usually think of myself as tough and strong but this bruise hurt like a bitch. It is quite sore while I'm jogging but it's bearable.

Bu the time I know it, I was already on my fourth lap.

Time surely does fly by when you have A LOT to think about. I could even see the sun rise a little bit. I take this as my sign to head back towards the house. As I walk back I spot a curtain flick open in the upper window. I'm pretty sure it was Leo's room. I watch as he steps out of his room onto his own balcony. I stare at him for a few more seconds. He was wearing some black sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. I could tell he was a morning person.

It was around 6am here and I could tell he was admiring the sunrise too. His gaze then shifts to me. He gives me a confused look then shakes it off and waves at me. I just not my head and continue my walk down to the house.

As I reach the house, I actually take in my surroundings much clearer than before. I was living in a mansion. Even more so with snobbish, rich asswipes. They think that they are all that, when they really aren't. The only relatively nice one was Adrien. He truly did make me feel welcomed into this so called family. And he made sure I knew that.

I still felt like an outsider, but all those thoughts vanished when I remembered yet again, that Flynn was coming.

I walked through the back door and in through the kitchen. My eyes widened when I saw Adrien, Chase and Leo. What were they all doing up at this hour? Were they early birds too? Adrien gave me a small smile, Chase just nodded to me expressionless and Leo walked closer towards me. "Why are you up so early?" he asked. "Time differences." I reply not looking him in the eyes. He then pauses to think while Chase speaks up "It's 6 in the morning here, does that mean you woke up at that time back in London?"

I nod my head to signal yes.

Adrien just sits back and observes. Leo then questions "Then why were you out on the field earlier?" This time I look him directly in the eyes and say "I go on daily morning jogs, is there a problem?" He then looks at the others and replies with "Nat, you shouldn't have gone out there alone. I'll have a guard assist you on you little runs." I frown at his idea. Did he think that I was a small fragile girl? Did he think I was weak?

He was dead wrong.

"You don't need to have anyone protect me, I am capable of that myself." I say with a stern voice. Oh boy they were underestimating me. I didn't need some random man to protect me, I knew that I could do it by myself easily. This time Adrien then speaks with a cold voice "Nat go to your room, breakfast is at 07:30 am." Who did this lad think he was? Bossing me around? I hesitantly stomp up towards my room.

I thought Adrien was the nice one? What happened? Did I do something?

I push these thoughts aside and open my room door. I notice that after my run I didn't smell that great. This lead to my decision of taking a nice warm shower. Showers usually woke me up in the mornings so this should also do the trick. I strip myself of my clothes and fold them neatly before placing them on the countertop of the sink. I hop into the shower and turn the nozzle until hot, steamy water flowed through the shower head.

Oh it truly washed away all my thoughts, I was left with a blank mind.

After a solid fifteen minutes of me in the steaming water, I turn off the nozzle and the water flow stops. I hop out of the shower space and grab the nearby towel. I begin patting myself dry before putting on some deodorant and the rest of my clothes that I had worn earlier. I walk towards my full length mirror and take everything in.

My body..

I found around a total of seven bruises, some I didn't even know were there still right now. I had three on my legs, one on my shoulder, one on my stomach, one on my lower back and one on my neck. Hmm, I wonder were I got my leg ones, but then I remembered than when I had to clear out the Irish mafia base last week so it probably was that.

I didn't think much of it because I was used to living alone, now I was living with 6 total strangers.

Im sure that they wouldn't mind my bruises, If anything I'll just blame it on sport or something. I lay down on my bed and reach for my backpack to retrieve my laptop. I open it and begin to finish some work that I had told Seb to send to me the previous night. I worked for a solid 15 minutes then I needed Seb to sign a life of paperwork, so I called him. We kept our conversation mainly work related until I accidentally slipped out what happens this morning with Xander.

"WHAT DID HE DO? REPEAT THAT AGAIN!" His voice beams through the phone.

I could tell that he was angry. Seb was usually sweet and nice towards me. Well actually, only around me. When Seb, Flynn and I were on missions, he would have this blank facade. You couldn't even tell what emotions were going through his mind. He was like a rock. I assure him that everything was fine and that Flynn was coming in the next few hours so I would be somewhat safe in this country. Now I knew that I couldn't trust my biological brothers but only my true brothers.

Seb and Flynn.

I continue explaining how I felt and all my emotions today with Seb. He truly knew how I felt about everything and was the BEST best friend a girl could ask for. They both were. I continue working with Seb until I check the time and it is 07:25. Breakfast time.

Chase's pov:

As she walks out of the kitchen and up towards her room, Leo and I give Adrien a confused look. Why did he tell her to go to her room? Why did she have to leave? My questions were quickly brought up to a halt when Adrien murmured "Why the fuck were there bruises on her body?" This leaves me and Leo speechless. I didn't notice it yesterday due to her wearing her sweats but now that she was swearing active wear I could see everything.

Who did this to her? Who hurt my irmãzinha? (little sister)

Leo then goes on to say "What's with the new one on her neck? Last night it was fine but today it's dark brown, almost blue."

Me and Adrien nod to his statement.

I then add on "Yeah, it wasn't there yesterday that's for sure. Did she meet anyone?"

Adrien then shakes his head negatively. "No, she stayed in her room all evening."

Adrien, Leo and I exchange a worried look. I did miss my irmãzinha. I was just so overwhelmed with her coming out of the blue that I didn't even welcome her in with open arms. I realised that I was cold and arrogant towards her. I wanted to change for her. No scratch that, I needed to change for her.

I also needed to find out who did this to her. I will get to the bottom of this..

Author's pov:

Tysm everyone for 40+ reads! I feel so grateful for you all!
Who do you think is better for Nat? Flynn or Seb?
Word count: 2000

Tysm everyone for 40+ reads! I feel so grateful for you all!Who do you think is better for Nat? Flynn or Seb?Word count: 2000

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