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Klaus could feel that something was not right. He couldn't sense Bonnie's presence. He had sent his hybrids to get supplied and help the people from the bayou. "Where is Bonnie? I thought she was with you" Lillian asked. Ever since she woke up, she found herself in the large mansion with no one but the help.

"What do you mean? She isn't here?" Elijah questioned. "No" Lillian answered, looking at their attire. They were covered in blood. A look that didn't look right on Elijah. Klaus didn't ask questions, he picked up the landline and called his sister. "What ever do you want, Nik?" came Rebecca's voice. "Where are you?" Klaus asked her. "Fashion week. Milan. Shopping. You already know this, Nik" he could practically see her rolling her eyes at him.

"I ask only because Bonnie is not home. She doesn't know this city well, and there are witches after her." Klaus worried. "So, she's not with you?" Lillian asked. "Obviously not, witch" Klaus snapped. "Nik, what is going on, is Bonnie okay" his sister asked. "She better be" Klaus said, the slammed the phone. By the time he done with the call, Elijah had changed, "can you locate her?" he asked Lillian.

"I can try" she said. The last time she tried locating bonnie, it didn't work. Lillian hoped she could do it. "Look into the quarter, I will cover the forest." Klaus told his brother and left, not waiting for a reply.


Two weeks. It had been two weeks since her friends left. They didn't even tell her where they went to. She had asked Matt about it, but her ex-boyfriend refused to tell her where they went. She knew she messed up. She tried to call Bonnie multiple times but she didn't get a reply. Caroline did answer, but she refused to tell her anything. "You made your choice, Elena", her friend had said to her.

At first, Elena didn't understand what choice Caroline was talking about. But, upon speaking to Stefan, who she had to basically hunt down, Elena realized her choice. She had chosen Damon over everything. Elena had chosen Damon over her friends, Stefan, over her morals, again. It was because she loved him. she never wanted to lose him.

Now she was all alone. All she had was Damon, and she was desperately holding onto him, praying he wouldn't leave her too. It was all wishful thinking. Damon did love her, and he reassured her every time but he was getting distant by the minute. Damon had taken to drinking a lot more. He was already the biggest drinker, but the way he was going, it was getting out of hand. Even for a vampire.

A knock on the door, Elena went to open it. "Abby? What are you doing here?" she hadn't seen nor heard from Abigail Bennett in a long time. "Hey, melena. I came to see Bonnie, but she isn't at her father's house. I also checked my mother's house. Do you know where she is?" Abby asked. "Bonnie left. She left mystic falls" Elena sadly told her.

"Why, where did she go?" Abby questioned. "At first she said they were going to New Orleans, but Caroline said they changed destination" Elena said. "Caroline went with her?'' Abby wondered. "Yeah. Since she's going to be the godmother and everything" Elena said, she felt so left out and jealous about the ordeal.

"So, its true? Bonnie is pregnant" Abby's breath hitched. "Uhm, yeah. How did you know?" Elena was confused. "I want you to tell me everything you know. Can I come in?" Abby asked. Elena made way for her to enter the house, and told Abby everything she could remember. She figured that Abby was worried about her daughter.


Klaus and Elijah had looked for Bonnie for the longest time now, she was nowhere to be found. There was no trace of her. Klaus was getting more agitated by the minute. Had he not wasted his time with those bloody werewolves, Bonnie wouldn't be missing, he wouldn't be wondering where the mother of his child was.

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