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She shook awake from the sky's cries. The rumbling sounds of thunder sent chills down her spine. "What is happening?" she asked no one but herself. She wasn't supposed to be awake then. She thought she had some time, but it seemed things took a whole different trajectory.

Slowly rising from the comforts of her coffin. A glass coffin fogged by dust and cobwebs due to the weight of time. She hadn't slept that long this time. It was unlike the times before. looking around the room filled with all sorts of relics and old furniture. It was the basement of the house owned but the small family she had met and chose to keep her.

She knew she would be safe there. She had chosen to hide in plain sight, without the Knowledge of said 'family'. It seemed to have been a good choice because she had no problems thus far. She had been safe and able to hide and rest.

Lightning struck and drew her out of her train of thought. This was not the plan. she knew she would have to act. Slowly exiting her coffin, she felt the weight of her slumber.

"This was not supposed to happen. It is not time yet" she softly said.

She wasn't ready to face them. Not yet. Truthfully, she didn't think she would ever be ready to face them. The possibility of rejection hanging above head was too much to ignore. She so wished she could run and hide from all of this, but she couldn't. She had a mission. She had a purpose. And she would do everything in her power to make sure it would come to fruition.

The ripples of magic surrounded her. it was tantalizing, overpowering, and very tempting. Such power. It was raw power, and she wondered who was the wielder.

"I guess it's time to find out" the said.

She planned to follow its trail. And by the looks of it, she wasn't that far away from it.

New Orleans. She was in the right place.


Abby had ran so fast, it almost gave her whiplash. She had finally made it. A beautiful mansion out in the outskirts of the city. The view was beautiful, even with the dullness and death that surrounded the compound.

"LET. ME. IN!"

Those words. They carried so much pain, agony and desperation, Abbigail knew she had to follow. Every hair on her neck stood, from the anticipation and fear. That place. It was surrounded by magic, it was nuclear. Explosive.

The scene before her was unlike anything she had ever witnessed.


Her daughter laid on the ground shaking with tears. Abby saw the blood that painted her legs. Horror filled her mind. Her hands covering her mouth, Abby wanted to scream.

Yes, she had been unhappy with the news of Bonnie being pregnant by Klaus. Even though she wanted to come and convince her daughter to get rid of it, it was merely a thought now. Seeing the pain on her daughter made Abby realize that she had not thought deeply into it. She was so used to running she had not thought of the aftermath of her idea.

She could tell that Bonnie was in pain. Physical, emotional, and psychological pain. Klaus was desperately trying to get to her.

As if everything moved in slow motion, Abby got to see the pain in Klaus' expression, as he begged her daughter to let him closer. He couldn't get close. The swirl of power surrounding Bonnie would not allow him. Even though Bonnie's magic was lashing out at everything, it was slowly lowering its rage.

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