☬ Forced? Marriage ☬

Start from the beginning

At dinner, Loki noticed the attention you were paying to him, and it took him by surprise. He had prepared himself to face the engagement with dignity, but he hadn't expected you to stand out in such an unusual way.

The evening progressed and, despite the tension, the atmosphere relaxed slightly. The food was exquisite, and toasts filled the room with laughter and applause. The two of you, deep down, shared a deep discomfort with the imposed situation, and this, surprisingly, created a bond.

As the dinner came to an end, you and Loki were escorted into a quiet corner, away from the curious gaze of the guests. There was a mixture of emotions in the air: discomfort, frustration and, in a sense, a determination to face what the future held together.

There was silence for several minutes until he finally brushed his hair back and raised his gaze to yours.

"I know neither of us wants this," he said. "But my father is insistent, and I'm afraid I couldn't convince him to call off this alliance."

"You don't need to explain, I know it's not your fault."

"But you look at me as if I am the cause of all this."

Your eyes met his and you noticed a mixture of emotions in his gaze: anger, frustration and a hint of confusion. His words made you reflect on how you were treating him and you realised that, while Loki had not asked for this situation, he had done nothing to deserve your distrust.

You looked down for a moment, collecting your thoughts, and then met his eyes again.

"I am sorry if I have judged you unfairly. The truth is, neither of us wants to be here, and it's only natural that the situation is complicated. And from what I've heard, Thor and his friends would be no better options."

Loki nodded, understanding your concerns.

"True, my brother can be... difficult to deal with at times. But that does not mean I must be the same."

The two shared a look that showed a glimmer of understanding. Despite all the adverse circumstances, there was something that drew you to each other, a connection that had formed years ago in their youth and was now being reborn in the midst of this forced marriage.

"I suppose we should try to make the best of this situation, shouldn't we?" you proposed, looking for a solution together.

Loki smiled, a glint of his natural charm flashing across his face.

"Yes, I think that would be the sensible thing to do. Perhaps we can find a way to get along, even if only as friends."

You both knew the circumstances were not ideal, but you shared a determination to face them together as best you could. 

As you entered into this forced union, you didn't know what the future would bring, but you were at least willing to try to make it more bearable, and perhaps even find a genuine understanding between you amidst all the adversity.

Time passed, and the evenings of conversation and companionship became routine. Despite his history as a god of trickery, Loki seemed willing to be genuine with you. As you shared his thoughts and dreams, you discovered facets of his personality that you had not imagined. He also learned to trust you, and though you always maintained a hint of wariness, you began to feel comfortable in each other's company.

After a few weeks of being together in Asgard, one day, as you were walking together in the castle gardens, Loki took you by surprise.

"Did you ever think of escaping this situation?"

You looked into Loki's green eyes and saw a spark of determination in them. It was clear that the god of deception had something on his mind.

"Escape?" you asked, curious and wary. "Do you have a plan?"

Loki smiled, revealing his cunning.

"Not quite, but I am known for my wit. And I know you're not exactly a damsel in distress. Together, we could find a way to change our destiny."

The idea of escaping a forced marriage and living a life of freedom and choice was tempting. You knew it wouldn't be easy, and you might face many challenges, but the possibility of writing your own destiny was calling you.

You looked around, making sure no one was watching, and then nodded determinedly.

"It sounds like it could be an interesting adventure to me, Loki. I'm willing to give it a try if you are."

With that silent agreement, you began to hatch a plan to escape Asgard and your lives the way you chose, away from the expectations and pressures of the royalty and kingdoms around you.

You and Loki spent the next few weeks fine-tuning the details of your daring escape plan. You worked in secret, using Loki's cunning and intelligence to avoid arousing suspicion. With laughter and whispers, you imagined a future where you would be free from the constraints of your respective families and the bonds of a forced marriage.

One day, after much planning, Loki whispered in your ear: "The time has come. Next week, during the great banquet my parents are hosting for the dignitaries of other kingdoms, we will take advantage of the distraction and make our escape.

You nodded with determination, ready to face any obstacle that stood in your way. You knew it would not be easy, but you were willing to risk everything for freedom.

The day of the banquet arrived, and the castle of Asgard was filled with dignitaries and nobility from different realms. The great hall was adorned with lavish floral arrangements and gilded chandeliers, and the atmosphere was charged with conversation and laughter. It was the perfect time to carry out his plan.

While everyone was distracted by the festivities, you and Loki slipped out of the hall and headed for the outside of the castle. You knew you had to be quick and stealthy. Loki, using his magic and deception skills, diverted the attention of the guards and servants, allowing you to escape undetected.

Once outside, you ran through the castle grounds, into the forest surrounding Asgard. Each step took them further away from their old life and closer to the promise of a life free of bondage. You ran in the moonlight, feeling the thrill of escape and the uncertainty of the future.

During your journey, they faced numerous challenges and dangers, but together they overcame them. As they travelled, they discovered not only the outside world but also more about themselves. Loki revealed his adaptability and creativity, while you proved to be a brave companion willing to face any obstacle at his side.

In your new life together, far from Asgard and its responsibilities, you and Loki discovered a freedom you could never have imagined. You became partners in adventure, travelling through different realms and living each day as a new chance to be yourselves. And, along the way, you built a love story that proved that sometimes the most unexpected situations can lead to the most genuine and lasting connections.

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