Chapter 16 - An Attack On Notre Dame

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It seemed that all of Paris had gathered in front of Notre Dame to witness the judgement and execution of the angel of the church and Esmeraldo. But all were not pleased by the event. After witnessing Frollo's depravity in his search for Esmeraldo and now the execution of both him and (Y/N), there was no longer anyone willing to turn away from his actions.

Upon the stage stood (Y/N) and Esmeraldo, tied against a pole. They both wore tattered white clothes, with Esmeraldo in a shirt and pants and (Y/N) in a dress. They were tied back-to-back, unable to see one another as kindling was piled up by their feet. The crowd voiced their displeasure at the sight, having finally opened up their eyes to Frollo's cruelty and evil. But there was nothing they could do. Guards surrounded the stage and the gypsies were locked in cages, forced to bear witness to the event.

Frollo turned to address the crowd, opening a scroll with which to read out the crimes of the accused. "The prisoners, (Y/N) and Esmeraldo have been found guilty of the crimes of treason, witchcraft and fraternising with witches. The sentence: death!"

The crowd shouted out in disagreement as they tried to break through the barricade of guards. The archdeacon, upon hearing all the commotion, stepped out of the church and was about to confront Frollo when two soldiers blocked his path. Drums echoed in the air like a call to the grim reaper as the gypsies struggled in their cages also yelling out in anger.

But, the one who felt the worst of it was Esmeraldo, who could not even gaze upon his angel or provide any comfort to her in this dark moment. Even as they were both about to burn together, he wasn't even able to return her confession and tell her how much he truly loved her. However, his only solace was that she would not suffer through this alone.

He glared hatefully at Frollo, who stood in front of him, and the old man sent a snide smirk his way before walking over and grabbing a torch from one of his men. He then approached (Y/N) with a crazed look in his eyes. She pushed herself back up against the pole, trying to put as much distance between them as possible.

"The time has come, my dear. You stand upon the brink of the abyss." He explained as a sick smile made its way onto his face. "Yet even now, it is not too late. I can save you from the flames of this world and the next. Choose me or the fire."

Esmeraldo's eyes widened and he tried to turn his head to face the wicked man as he growled out, "You, disgusting pig."

(Y/n)'s gaze hardened and she spat in Frollo's face without warning. The crowd gasped as Frollo flinched away. He wiped at his face, glaring at her while she merely glared back, with only hate filling her eyes.

Esmeraldo could only smirk as he said, "That's my girl."

"The traitor, (Y/N) has refused to recant. This heathen girl and the gypsy witch have put the soul of every citizen of Paris in mortal jeopardy!"


As Frollo's mad tirade continued to cut through the crowd, up in the bell tower Quasimodo was stuck chained up. He had his head lowered in hopelessness while the gargoyles tried to free him, pulling and even biting on the chains in their attempts.

"Come on, Quasi! Snap out of it!" Hugo urged.

"Your sister and Esmeraldo are down there!" Victor added.

"It's all my fault." Quasimodo simply muttered, his tone flat and lifeless.

"You gotta break these chains!" Laverne yelled, shaking them in frustration.

"I can't. I tried. What difference would it make?"

"But you can't let Frollo win!" Victor proclaimed.

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