Chapter 11 - Hellfire

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Little did (Y/N) know that in that very moment, her hopes were indeed true. Esmeraldo made it back to the Court of Miracles, pulling back the curtain of the entrance, with a large grin adorning his face. A grin only suited for a man whose heart had been struck by Cupid's arrow. And it yearned for the angel of the church, (Y/N).

He couldn't help himself as he thought of her beautiful (H/C) coloured locks, her soft (S/C) skin, and her dazzling smile. Everything about her felt like a dream, a poem come to life. She was interesting, kind, determined and brave. She cared deeply and her heart was pure.

And he was truly in love with her.

"Ah, I see you finally decided to stop worrying us and come back without your neck snapped by a hangman's noose."

Esmeraldo glanced over next to him to see none other than Clopin, the puppeteer in front of the church, the man in charge of running the Feast of Fools, and Leader of the Gypsies.

Clopin stared at Esmeraldo with unimpressed eyes as Esmeraldo answered, "At least I made it back."

"From what I heard; you had been trapped within Notre Dame. How did you escape?"

The lovestruck smile reappeared on his face as he simply said, "I had a little help."

Clopin raised a brow in question, watching the young man closely as he made to leave. But, a smirk of his own crawled up the corners of his mouth and Esmeraldo had barely taken five steps away before Clopin spoke up.

"Who's the girl?"

"Excuse me?" Esmeraldo asked, turning at break-neck speeds to face the colourfully clad jester.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know that grin. It is the grin of a man deeply in love. So, I repeat, who's the girl?"

Esmeraldo chuckled, not surprised that Clopin had caught on so quickly as he stated, "The girl I danced with at the festival."

"(Y/N), the angel of Notre Dame?" Clopin asked for clarification.

"That's the one."

Clopin's face morphed into one of concern as he asked, "As in the ward of Judge Claude Frollo?"

Esmeraldo remained silent, his blood already boiling at the mention of Frollo's name. He stiffly nodded, unable to answer through his anger but Clopin's response had not been what he had expected.

"As much as I'd like to call you a complete and utter idiot for picking the most problematic girl in all of Paris, I must say that I cannot blame you for falling for her."


"Unlike you, Es, I am not an idiot." Esmeraldo rolled his eyes while Clopin chuckled at his own joke. "I saw how you two danced on stage. You never looked so happy to have a dance partner. And, out of all the girls in Paris, she definitely has the kindest heart."

"She really is amazing, Clopin." Esmeraldo sighed out.

Clopin smiled as he patted Esmeraldo on the shoulder. "A word of advise, my friend. Love this girl with your whole heart, I will not stop you. But beware Frollo's wrath. Some spies above have told me that Frollo has not yet been pacified. In fact, his anger is still going strong. There's no telling what he will do. So, be careful, with your next actions and...with this girl."

With those ominous words, Clopin walked off. Esmeraldo stood still for a moment, thinking over Clopin's words.

He wasn't sure if he was warning him that (Y/N) might betray them to appease her master. He didn't want to believe this; in fact he couldn't believe it. She was just too kind and she had even stood up for him in the church, when she had barely known him.

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