Chapter 10 - Heaven's Light

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Quasimodo climbed back up to his tower, his sister hanging on to him the whole way up. They were almost to the top when Quasimodo suddenly spoke. "He was such a kind man. I never knew people could be so kind."

"What am I? A frozen gargoyle?" (Y/N) jokingly stated.

"Besides you, of course. I wouldn't mind seeing him again."

"Me neither." His sister stated a small smile creeping onto her lips.

"D-Do you like him?"

His question had taken her aback as a heavy blush rushed to her face. Quasimodo had noticed how close the two seemed to be and he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't worried about (Y/N) one day leaving him, in order to find happiness out there with Esmeraldo. But he also didn't want to keep her from following her own dreams, even if it did mean her leaving.

"D-Don't be silly, Quasi. I like him as a friend and that's that." She replied after a few seconds of silence.

"Sure..." Quasimodo chuckled out.

As soon as he reached the ledge, he was about to pull him and (Y/N) up when his hand was suddenly grabbed. They were suddenly pulled up and were surprised to see the smiling face of Phoebus.

"Hi there." He cheerfully greeted before smiling over to (Y/N). "And we meet again, my dear."

Her eyes widened as she got off and stood in front of him.

"Y-You cannot be here." She stated with a slight tremble in her voice but still stood tall with determination.

"I'm looking for the gypsy boy. Have any you seen him?"

This statement stirred anger within Quasimodo as he growled and leapt forward, swinging his arm wildly at Phoebus. The captain jumped back at the sudden show of aggression while (Y/N) gasped in shock. She had never seen her brother get so mad like that...ever.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy!" As Phoebus tried to ease the situation, he backed up to the balcony entrance and began going backwards down the stairs.

Quasimodo grabbed a lit torch on the side of the entrance, swinging it aggressively at Phoebus as he yelled, "No soldiers! Sanctuary! Get out!"

"Wait! All I wanted was to- "


"I mean him no harm!"

Quasimodo's frustration boiled over and he madly swung the burning flames as he growled out, "Go!"

Left with no other choice, Phoebus drew his sword and, with swiftness and ease, pinned the torch against the wall. Quasimodo, in retaliation, grabbed him by the collar of his cape, bringing him threateningly close.

"Stop it!" A panicked voice sounded from atop the stairwell and both turned to see (Y/N) as she hurried down towards them. "This fighting will lead to nothing but trouble. And doing such acts within the church no less! How shameful!"

Both looked somewhat guilty for their actions. (Y/N) shook her head at the two of them before turning to her brother.

"Let's just hear him out, Quasi."

He did not fully agree to that statement, as Phoebus was the captain of the guard and the main person in charge with capturing Esmeraldo. However, he was nothing if not a good brother, so he agreed with a frustrated sigh.

"What do you want with Esmeraldo?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Just tell him that I didn't mean to trap him here but it was the only way to save his life. Will you tell him that? Will you?"

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