Chapter 14 - Hide The Evidence

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"Quick, we gotta stash the stiff!" Laverne urged.

Quasimodo picked up Phoebus' unconscious body and hauled him over to the centre of the room. (Y/N) lifted the tablecloth of the city model, pointing underneath it. Quasimodo shoved him inside, though be it quite roughly, but when Phoebus still stuck out, he delivered a swift kick to get the rest of him in before covering him up.

Meanwhile, his sister made sure the needle and thread and any other evidence was stashed away while also tidying up to make sure nothing looked out of place with the help of the gargoyles. Both her and Quasimodo had just begun to straighten any fallen models and figures when Frollo came walking up the stairs, a basket in hand.

Both grew nervous but Quasimodo was quick to greet him. "Oh, M-M-Master, w-we didn't think you'd be coming."

"I'm never too busy to share a meal with you and your sister. I brought a little treat." Frollo simply answered as he walked by and petted the boy's head.

He stopped in front of (Y/N) as she pulled out his seat, smiling at her and running his fingers through her soft (H/C) locks before he sat down. He took off his hat while both siblings just stood and looked at him. His gaze hardened and he cleared his throat, making them both stiffen in realisation.

"I-I'm so sorry, Master." Quasimodo replied flustered as he rushed to grab their cups and plates.

He glanced over worriedly at his sister, who was busy setting down Frollo's basket and standing behind the old man. She gave him a nervous look but encouraged him to go on as if nothing was wrong. But he had been so focused on her, that a few things started to fall and crashed onto the floor. Quasimodo stiffened as he quickly tried to remedy his mistakes, with (Y/N) quickly jumping in to help.

"Is there something troubling you two?" 

"Oh. No!" Quasimodo denied as they brought over the needed items.

"Oh, but there is." Frollo urged. "I know there is."

"We just did not expect you, Master." (Y/N) stated as Frollo placed a bunch of grapes on each of their plates.

"I're hiding something." He insisted.

"Oh, no, Master. There's nothing- " Quasimodo rushed out, worrying his sister as she nervously began to eat.

"You're not eating, boy." Frollo pointed out.

Without hesitation, Quasimodo quickly stuffed his mouth full of grapes, trying to speak as he did so. "It's very good. Thank you."

Just then a moan sounded from Phoebus, making (Y/N) stiffen. Quasimodo quickly tried to cover it up, moaning as if he were enjoying the food. But, when Phoebus began to get louder, (Y/N) mentally pleaded for forgiveness as she sent a swift kick to his face, while Quasimodo covered it with a cough.

"Seeds." Quasimodo gave as an excuse, smiling crookedly.

Frollo looked at them suspiciously before glancing down at the model. "What's different in here?"

"N-Nothing, sir." (Y/N) answered.

Frollo stood up, looking around before noticing the wooden figure of Esmeraldo and he picked it up. "Isn't this one new? It's awfully good. Looks very much like the...gypsy boy."

As he said this, the siblings glanced at each other nervously but tried to hide it. They watched as Frollo's gaze turned murderous and he slowly glanced over at them.

"I know you helped him ESCAPE!" He suddenly yelled, slamming the figure on the table.

The siblings jumped back at his sudden outburst, Quasimodo toppling over to the ground. (Y/N) gasped, bending down to help him while he tried to deny that claim.

"But I- "

"And now, all of Paris is burning because of you two!"

(Y/N) stood up, trying her best to remain calm as she begged, "He was kind to us, Master."

This only flared Frollo's wrath as he began smashing up the model in his rage. "YOU IDIOTS!"

She tried to stop him from destroying any more of their work when he suddenly grasped on tightly to her hair. She cried out in pain while Quasimodo could only look on in fear.

"That wasn't kindness, it was cunning!" He yelled, shaking her around while she continued to cry out. "He's a gypsy! Gypsies are not capable of real love!"

"P-Please let her go, Master!" Quasimodo begged, only succeeding in turning Frollo's rage onto him.

He flung (Y/N) down onto the floor, making her scream as she made impact, her (H/L) hair falling on her face.

(A/N: If the hair isn't really long enough to even touch the face, then just ignore this.)

He then grabbed onto Quasimodo's shirt, shaking him angrily as he stated, "Think, boy! Think of your mother!"

Though, the minute he said this, his angered face calmed and he took a moment to compose himself. He stood up, dusting himself off while Quasimodo gazed at him with fear and horror.

"But what chance could a poor, misshapen child," Frollo gestured to Quasimodo before turning to the quivering figure of (Y/N). He walked over to her, stroking her messed up locks, which made her stiffen at the contact, "and a naive young girl have against his heathen treachery?"

He allowed a finger to run down her cheek, making a tear run down it as she continued to shake uncontrollably. He looked at her, his dark eyes holding no remorse, as he got up and walked back over to the model. Quasimodo immediately rushed to (Y/N)'s side, thankful to see no injuries as he brought her fragile form close to his chest.

"Well, never you mind, my dear wards." As he said this, both siblings looked up, watching as he took out a dagger and stabbed it into the wooden figure of Esmeraldo. He then held it over the flame of a nearby candle and watched as it was instantly set ablaze. 

"He will be out of our lives soon enough. I will free you both from his evil spell. He will torment you no longer."

"What do you mean?" Quasimodo questioned.

"I know where his hideout is." Frollo stated as he placed his hat back on, turning to them before he left, revealing his next dreaded words. "And tomorrow, at dawn, I will attack with a thousand men." 

And he then turned and left, leaving the siblings with only fear and dread.

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