Chapter 8 - God Help The Outcasts

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Esmeraldo stared around him in dismay, running to the nearest door away from the entrance, in a desperate attempt to escape. But, as he opened the door, a guard was right outside, relaying orders.

"Frollo's orders! Post a guard at every door."

He slammed the door shut in his frustration and slid down it feeling defeated. His goat slowly approached him, gazing at him with sorrowful eyes.

"Don't worry, Djali. If Frollo thinks he can keep us here, he's wrong."

"Don't act rashly, child." The archdeacon advised, stopping his lighting of the candles to comfort the young man. "You created quite a stir at the festival. It would be unwise to arouse Frollo's anger further."

Esmeraldo stood up, pointing to the door as he stated, "You saw what he did out there, letting the crowd torture that poor boy. Making (Y/N) watch and made to feel guilty for something out of her control. I thought if just one person could stand up to him, then... What do they have against people who are different, anyway?"

"You can't right all the wrongs in this world by yourself."

"Well, no one out there's going to help, that's for sure."

The archdeacon gave Esmeraldo a kind smile as he gestured around the church halls. "Well, perhaps there's someone in here who can." And with that, he walked away.

(A/N: Slight spoiler but, then again, why are you reading this without having watched the movie? - I just noticed that the archdeacon says that someone inside the church may help Esmeralda with her problems, obviously referring to God and/or Jesus. But it is Quasimodo that helps her the most, and she finds his help first within the church. I just think that's so cool.)

Esmeraldo watched him walk away before remembering that he had been with (Y/N). He looked around for her but she was nowhere to be seen. Unbeknownst to him, she was watching him from above, wanting to give him some space after what happened with Frollo. But she didn't want to be entirely away from him. Maybe it was those gorgeous green eyes that drew her in or his kind words that warmed her heart. Either way, she was compelled to not stray too far from the man that made her heart flutter.

As for Esmeraldo, he smiled slightly, somewhat amused that once again she had runoff and left him yearning to see her. She really was like an angel - you catch a glimpse and you want another.

"I hope you haven't gone too far, Angel." He playfully mumbled to himself as he turned on his heels to look around, maybe even to catch sight of the beautiful, (H/C) haired girl.

But, as he looked around, he spotted a statue of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms. He was left unable to speak, thinking back on the archdeacon's words. He took a glance behind him, seeing a few people praying by the pews.

They weren't going to help him. But it couldn't hurt to ask someone else within the church...

🎵Esmeraldo: "I don't know if you can hear me."

He began to sing, looking back at the statue and voicing his thoughts and wishes to it. And hoping that they would be heard.

🎵Esmeraldo: "Or if you're even there."

As he sang, he slowly approached the statue, staring up at it with hope. He wasn't really sure if he was right in asking for help, as he was just a gypsy, but he didn't know what else to do.

🎵Esmeraldo: "I don't know if you would listen to a gypsy's prayer. Yes, I know I'm just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you. Still, I see your face and wonder, were you once an outcast too?"

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