Chapter 2 - Longing To Leave

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It had been twenty years since that night and Quasimodo and (Y/N) were now young adults. Quasimodo was still misshapen, with a large hunch on his back and an eye that was almost swollen shut, but he was strong and his soul was kind and gentle.

Then there was (Y/N), who had grown into a beautiful young woman with (H/L) (H/C) hair, (S/C) skin and lovely (E/C) eyes. Many saw her as the angel of Notre Dame, for her beauty and pure soul. She was always kind towards others, especially Quasimodo. She saw him as her little brother and loved him no matter what.

As the ringing of the bells came to an end, Quasimodo swung down from the rafters and landed expertly on the ground. It was then that he heard excited clapping and cheering he glanced over, smiling when he saw that it was (Y/N).

"Great landing, Quasi. As usual." She giggled as she hurried over to him.

He smiled sheepishly at her words. "Thank you, (Y/N)." He began to limp out onto the balcony and he beckoned (Y/N) over. "I'm going to check on our little friend."

"I'll join you."

Out on the balcony, that overlooked the city, the two siblings stared inside the mouth of a gargoyle. A baby bird sat inside, growing excited as it saw the two of them.

"Good morning." (Y/N) greeted the tiny bird.

"Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly?" Quasimodo asked.

The bird looked away nervously, seemingly not up for such a task.

(Y/N) giggled as she asked, "You sure? It's a good day to try."

Quasimodo gently took the bird in his hands as he excitedly said, "Why, if-if I picked a day to fly, oh, this would be it. The Festival of Fools."

Down below, in front of the cathedral, a platform was being built for the upcoming performances. Tents were also being raised and everybody seemed to be in a flutter of excitement for the event.

"It will be fun! The jugglers and-and-and music, and dancing."

As Quasimodo explained all this, the little bird bravely began to flap his wings and lifted himself out of Quasimodo's hands. He slowly removed his hands from under the bird until it was hovering in the air. Him and his sister chuckled and when the bird realised he was flying all on his own, he chirped excitedly, doing a confident twirl around them before landing in (Y/N)'s outstretched hands. Just as he did, a large flock of birds flew past their heads and the little bird looked up at the two gleefully.

"Go on, little fella. Get out there and enjoy every minute of it." (Y/N) encouraged, placing a kiss on top of his head.

"Nobody wants to be cooped up here forever."

With that, the baby bird flew off to catch up with the other birds, and the two watched on with small yet sad smiles gracing their lips. The sweet moment soon ended as the stone gargoyle next to them suddenly sprung to life, spitting out the nest that had occupied the inside of his mouth.

"Aw man! I thought he'd never leave! I'll be spittin' feathers for a week!" Hugo, the gargoyle, complained.

Another gargoyle, Victor, who was taller and slimmer than Hugo, was quick to reprimand him, "Well that's what you get for sleeping with your mouth open."

Hugo laughed sarcastically, "Go scare a nun. Hey, Quasi, (Y/N)! What's goin' on out there? A fight? A flogging?"

"A festival!" Victor announced excitedly.

"You mean the Feast of Fools?"

"Uh huh." Quasimodo answered, though his heart didn't seem to be in it. This worried (Y/N).

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