Chapter 29: How To Pick Your Dragon | Part II

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[Revolutionary Army Base; South]

[Insert this soundtrack: Over The Garden Wall Official Soundtrack|Everything Is Nice and Fine]

A Night Fury passes through the clouds, spotting a base of revolutionary forces far below him while carrying two assassins on his back.

Najenda: Thank you for agreeing to help me with this, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Not at all, not at all. - He responds, serenely.

Najenda: Ah, the feeling of flying on a dragon is so invigorating! - She proclaims, raising her arms.

Tatsumi: Where did you say this base was where the new dragon was attacking?

Najenda: Just fly a little further, go left and we'll be there.

Tatsumi: You heard, buddy. Just follow the path she said. - He says to his reptilian partner.

The green-eyed dragon roars and directs his flight forward and, after flying a few meters, he sees a camp to its left, close to the coast, surrounded by a large barrier of rocks. Tatsumi shifts gears, allowing the Night Fury to fly to the left and descend.

[End of soundtrack]

Below, some revolutionary soldiers were standing near the wall. They hear a shrill roar. As they look up, the rebels see a dark silhouette with large wings flying towards them and carrying two people on its back.

The soldiers draw their weapons, thinking it is the Rumblehorn, but they soon lower their weapons seeing that it is Indra and that he is bringing Najenda and Tatsumi. The Night Fury lands, allowing his best friend and the revolutionary general to descend safely.

"I'm glad you're back, miss Najenda!" - Says one of the rebels present, with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Ah, you're here, Tatsumi!" - Says a woman with long blond hair - "Well, welcome to the damn territory of the Rumblehorn!" - She says, in a tone of slight sarcasm.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was on the ground, the brunette looks around, noticing that there were several tents, wooden structures and guard towers destroyed, in addition to the large stone barrier that the soldiers had built.

Tatsumi: Yeah, you weren't kidding when you said the Rumblehorn was bringing trouble.

Najenda: Were there many problems while I was away? - She asks the soldiers.

The blonde woman, in response, says:

"Well, we were forced to build a big wall to keep the Rumblehorn away, the bastard showed up, knocked down some surveillance towers that fell on some people and now there are people needing to be treated in the medical wing. Other than that... No, no problem!" - She says, smiling falsely, as the sarcasm in her response was very clear.

Najenda and Tatsumi look at each other, a little nervous. Things were worse than they expected.

Najenda: Okay then. So let's organize everything: Celia, you investigate the Eastern regions. - She orders, pointing to the blonde woman - Christopher, you patrol the West. - She says to the brown-haired soldier - Tatsumi and I are going to check the interior of the island.

Christopher/Celia: Roger!

Tatsumi: Understood!

[Just after...]

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